Trump corona infected: – The virus is sweeping the inner circle


It was on Friday morning Norwegian time that it became known that President Donald Trump and his wife, the First Lady Melania Trump, had tested positive for the coronavirus.

Shortly before, on Thursday, one of his closest advisers had also Hope hicks, passed a positive test.

Trump was admitted to Walter Reed Military Hospital on Saturday night, which is said to be a precautionary measure.

His var Trump

His var Trump

Attached to Rosehagen

After Trump’s corona bomb exploded, more and more people in his immediate circle have been diagnosed with the corona virus. On Saturday night, there are ten known cases of infection:

  • Melania Trump, First Lady of the United States
  • Hope Hicks, Trump-rågiver
  • Chris Christie, Trump adviser
  • Thom Tills, Senator
  • Mike Lee, Senator
  • Ron Johnson, Senator
  • Kellyanne Conway, former Trump adviser
  • Bill Stepien, Campaign Manager
  • Ronna McDaniel, chair of the Republican Nominating Committee
  • John Jenkins, President of the University of Notre Dame

In particular, many of the infection cases are related to people who were at an event in Rosehagen for the White House last Saturday. The event was held for Trump to introduce his candidate to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett.

SMALL DISTANCE: On Saturday, September 26, Trump presented his candidate for the vacant seat on the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett. Many participated and kept their distance or wore face masks. Photo: Alex Brandon / AP / NTB
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Around 200 people sat very close here, most of them without masks. At least eight of the known cases in the president’s inner circle, including Trump himself, attended the event.

One of those present at Rosehagen is a Trump adviser. Chris Christie. He even confirmed the diagnosis on Twitter on Saturday night.

Christie and Trump are said to have worked together on preparations ahead of the Trump-Biden debate on Tuesday.

POSITIVELY TESTED: Trump’s adviser Chris Christie has tested positive for coronavirus. Here he is pictured in Rosehagen last Saturday. Photo: Alex Brandon / AP / NTB
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Two Republican Senators, Thom tillis from North Carolina and Mike lee from Utah tested positive for the coronavirus on Friday, the Washington Post reports. They both participated in the event in Rosehagen.

In the videos of the event, Lee can be seen hugging and holding several of the participants.

Among the participants were also Kellyanne conway, as it became clear Friday night that it also tested positive. Until recently, Conway was one of the president’s closest advisers.

WRITING: Justice Minister William Barr in conversation with Kellyanne Conway in Rosehagen last Saturday. Late Friday night, it emerged that Conway tested positive for the coronavirus. Barr passed a negative test on Friday. Photo: Alex Brandon / AP / NTB
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– Tonight I tested positive for covid-19. My symptoms are mild (mild cough) and I feel fine, Conway wrote on Twitter.

Also the president of the American University of Notre-Dame, John jenkins, has tested positive for coronavirus. He was also one of the guests at Rosehagen last Saturday, according to ABC News. After the visit, Jenkins was criticized for not wearing a mask, so he later came out and apologized.

Donald Trump campaign manager, Bill stepien, has also been diagnosed with the virus. According to the website, Stepien has “mild, flu-like symptoms.”

CROWNSMITTET: US President Donald Trump made a short video statement via Twitter after he was diagnosed with coronary heart disease. It was recorded at the White House before he was transferred to the hospital on the night of October 3.
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Senator infection can cause problems

The leader of the Republican National Committee, Ronna McDaniel, has also tested positive for the virus. According to Politico, he should have started having symptoms earlier this week. He attended events with the president on Thursday and Friday of last week, but has since stayed at his home in Michigan. According to a spokesman for the National Committee, he must have had a negative test prior to both meetings with the president last week.

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Triumph crown-utsagn

Also the republican senator Ron Johnson has tested positive for the coronavirus on Saturday, writes CNN, and will be the third Republican senator to have been confirmed infected in the past 24 hours.

According to Johnson’s spokesman, he should not have been present in Rosehagen on Saturday, because he was already in quarantine after being in close contact with a confirmed case of infection.

NOMINEE: Trump presented Amy Coney Barrett as his first choice to take the Supreme Court to an event in the Rose Garden of the White House last Saturday. In retrospect, several of the guests tested positive and also threatened to vote on who will be the new Supreme Court justice. Photo: Olivier DOULIERY / AFP / NTB
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The fact that three Republican senators are now affected by the virus could stop President Donald Trump’s plan to nominate Amy Coney Barrett as the new Supreme Court justice, writes CNN.

Senators who are now quarantined can participate in Senate hearings digitally, but must be back in the Senate by Oct. 15 to participate in the debate, says Senator Lidset Graham, who will lead the hearings.

Graham says he expects senators to return long before the Oct. 22 vote.

EXPECT INFECTION: Chief of Staff Mark Meadows made the latest news on Donald Trump on Friday, October 2, after it became known that the president and Melania Trump are infected with the coronavirus. Video: AP
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If all Republican senators meet, Republicans have 53 of the votes, compared to 47 for Democrats. However, if more Republican senators are absent, it could be more difficult to pass Trump’s first election.

According to ABC News, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has now asked to postpone Senate activities until October 19.

Most Democrats oppose the appointment of a new judge before the November 3 election.

A press officer and three White House journalists also tested positive for the virus on Friday. One of the journalists was present in Rosehagen last Saturday, according to the White House Correspondents Association.
