Trump called Fauci a “disaster” – VG


TURBULENT: The relationship between President Donald Trump and infection control expert Anthony Fauci has grown more strained. Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP

According to the television channel, President Donald Trump made disparaging remarks about the man at the forefront of America’s fight against the corona virus: Dr. Anthony Fauci.

– Fauci is a mess. Had he listened, we would have had 500,000 dead, Trump said of Fauci in a conference call with campaign staff, according to CNN.

The television station writes that they attended the conference call.

The United States is passing 220,000 dead in the ongoing pandemic.

Dr. Anthony Fauci (79) is an immunologist and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. When the corona virus began to spread in the United States, he took a leadership role in the Trump administration’s fight against the pandemic.

Trump is said to have said on the conference call that Fauci “is a nice guy” and that “he’s been there for 500 years.” Fauci began his current job as a director in 1984.

– People say yes. Let’s just be at peace. They are bored. People are tired of listening to Fauci and all these idiots, Trump is said to have said, at the same time that he said that he himself held large electoral rallies.

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Fauci has become known as the man who dares to speak out against Trump.

The relationship between Fauci and Trump has skyrocketed throughout the year and the White House has attacked the infection control expert.

But in recent weeks, the relationship has grown even more strained.

Among other things, Fauci has stated that he was not surprised that Trump was infected with the coronavirus.

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Controversial advertising video

In early October, the Trump campaign released a publicity video in which Fauci appeared to brag about the presidential handling of the pandemic.

The message was that both Trump and the United States are recovering from the pandemic and that Americans need not fear the virus.

Fauci says in the film that “I can’t imagine anyone could have done anything else.”

Trump then tweeted:

– These are Fauci’s own words. We have done a “phenomenal” job, according to some governors. Many agree. And now comes the vaccines and the cures, long before you might believe!

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In hindsight, Fauci came out on CNN and denied contributing to the video.

– I have never supported a political candidate during my almost 50 years of public service. The comment that was attributed to me without my permission was taken out of context from a statement I had a few months ago about the efforts of public health authorities, Fauci told the television channel.

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