Trump Believes Infection Control Expert a Disaster – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


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“People are tired of listening to Fauci and all these idiots,” Trump said at the meeting, which also had access to CNN and other American outlets.

The attack comes after an interview with Fauci on CBS’s 60 Minutes on Sunday. In the interview, Fauci criticized the president, saying, among other things, that it might appear that Trump is incorrectly equating the use of masks with weakness.

Fauci also said he was not surprised that the president was infected with the coronavirus.

Now Trump is saying exactly what he thinks about his own infection control expert.

– Fauci is a mess. If he had listened, we would have had 500,000 dead, Trump said in a telephone conversation with employees of the electoral campaign apparatus.

The president explains that Fauci said a few months ago that masks do not work against infections. Nor should Fauci have recommended that the United States close its doors to China.

Then, it doesn’t take many seconds in the phone call before Trump thinks 700-800,000 would have died if he had listened to the infection control expert.

– Every time Fauci is on television he comes with a bomb. But it will be a bigger bomb if we fire him, says President Donald Trump.

He ends the interview by saying that if a journalist is listening to the conversation, that is perfectly fine. He stands up for what he says and doesn’t care.

Trump and Fauci during press conference in April

Infection control expert Anthony Fauci (left) and Donald Trump during a press conference in April this year. Since then, the tone between them has grown increasingly harsh.

Photo: Alex Brandon / AP

Another round

Trump’s remarks come just a week after the latest disagreement between him and infection control expert Anthony Fauci.

Fauci then reacted to the fact that the Trump campaign had edited a statement to appear to be praising the president’s handling of the pandemic.

– President Trump is on the way to recovery after the coronavirus, and so is the United States, it was said in a 30-second advertising article of Trump’s election campaign.

– I can’t imagine that … someone could have done more, Fauci says in the clip.

The fauci clip is taken from an interview with Fox News in March.

“The comment, which was attributed to me without my permission in the election campaign announcement, was taken out of context from a statement I made several months ago about the efforts of the federal health authorities,” says Fauci.

Trump defends the use of the clip. So does Trump’s campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh.

– The video is from an interview with Fauci where he bragged about the work of the Trump administration. The words that are spoken are accurate and come straight out of Fauci’s mouth, Murtaugh told CNN.

Massive depression

In Monday’s conference call, Trump also warned against further closures in the United States if Joe Biden becomes president.

– You will listen to the investigators. If I listen to everything the scientists say, we would have a nation in a massive depression, Trump said.

– We saved the lives of 2.2 million people because we closed as we did and now we are reopening. But we will never close again because now we know the disease.

From the rostrum during a voter rally in Tucson, Arizona, on Monday, Trump said optimism will now rise as the pandemic draws to a close and vaccines are on the way.

– And I look good, right? said Trump, who often refers to the fact that he has been infected with corona without major problem.
