Truck Leaks in Oslo


You must filter out hazardous material from a truck.

All emergency services are on the way, police say.

They have established a safety distance of 50 meters around the truck.

“At the intersection of Grorudveien and Stanseveien there is a truck, and here is a boat that has leaked,” Police Operations Manager Gjermund Stokkli told Nettavisen around 2.40 pm.

The 110 Central says on Twitter that it is sodium hydroxide.

– We remain on site until we have taken care of what leaked, writes the fire department.

According to a Google Maps map, there are no homes in the immediate vicinity, but there are some offices and outlets in the area around the intersection.

Police were notified of the leak at 2:28 p.m.

– The fire department is on site and is limiting the leak, according to the operations manager.

He emphasizes that it is the fire department, and not the police, that are experts in this type of leak, but as he sees it, the substance is corrosive and dangerous to breathe, but there should be no danger of explosion.

“The leak comes from a jug of about 20 liters. Obre is in good control and no personal injuries have been reported, ”police said on Twitter at 2:55 pm.

The buses running in Grorudveien were stopped for a short period of time, but now run normally, according to police.
