Trondheim struggles with party moods – get the police involved – VG


OUTBREAK: Trondheim currently has high infection rates. Now they are announcing both stricter measures and contact with the police to get rid of the party. Photo: Gorm Kallestad

Trondheim Township despairs of quarantine-breaking party settings and doesn’t remember who they’ve encountered when traces of infection call for them.


– What our infection trackers have the impression is that it is difficult to make them remember who they have been with and where they have been. They don’t seem to care about the crown, City Manager Morten Wolden tells VG.

It involves several dozen people.

The municipality is making contact with the police these days to help. There are two things they want help with:

  • Investigate the possibilities of reviewing people (in addition to imposing fines)
  • What capacity do the police have in the future to monitor private parties?

– When we have seen individuals break the quarantine, we will consult with the police about the margin of maneuver in what I perceive as the limit between notification and no notification.

Do you have any advice in the case? Contact VG journalists here.

MUNICIPAL DIRECTOR: Morten Wolden wants to crack down on holidaymakers in Trøndelag who don’t follow infection control rules. Photo: Gorm Kallestad

– Who are these people?

– There are people who mostly have permanent jobs and have a normal status, says Wolden.

Mayor Rita Ottervik (Labor Party) tells VG that the majority are between 30 and 50 years old.

– It’s terribly sad. The vast majority in Trondheim are very good at complying with laws and regulations. Then there are some that break down, that’s what’s so depressing.

FRUSTRATED: Mayor Rita Ottervik (Labor Party) says it’s a shame that a few destroy too many. Photo: Geir Otto Johansen / Øystein Hernes

She is concerned about the great stress on the infection traces and reacts to what she hears from them:

– I was informed that people have very bad memories and do not remember where they have been.

For them it has a clear message:

– Please take responsibility, this goes beyond an entire city.

Announces new measures

On Christmas Eve, Trondheim was able to report 19 new cases of infection, but due to a closed laboratory in St. Olav and reduced infection tracking, City Manager Morten Wolden believes the number is much higher.

On Christmas Day, the Trondheim municipality presidency met to discuss and propose various measures in relation to a recent increase in infection.

– I think the Presidency agrees that we should introduce stronger measures and facilitate fewer close contacts so that traces of infection can do the job.

These are current:

  • Limit the number of social contacts to ten for a week
  • Register everyone at the nightclubs
  • The distance between tables in discos should be two meters.
  • Close unmanned gyms and introduce a ban on group training

There may be changes to the design of these measures, which are scheduled to be adopted tomorrow and take effect on the night of the third day of Christmas.

also read

Trondheim with a history of infection: advising people to cancel the holidays

In Trondheim, the bar stop is at midnight. According to Wolden, they have not considered adjusting this round, because then they fear that the match will take home.

– If this does not subside, FHI recommends that in the new year we should give an even clearer recommendation for a home office, reduce group size and stop club activity, Health and Wellness Director Helge Garåsen during the today’s meeting.

Did you see this? Japanese researchers have taken a closer look at how the virus spreads in different situations:

Trondheim Township Municipal Director Morten Wolden says they are now working on creating information packages for the more than 20,000 international students who will soon be on their way to Trondheim.

They also want to make a joint plan with measures for companies with foreign workers arriving in the new year.

– The municipality is now making plans to handle a possible import infection, Wolden said during the meeting.
