Trondheim doctors go on strike


The case is being updated.

The strike comes after the Ombudsman declared on Thursday, October 15, that it was not possible for the parties to reach an agreement on the special agreement. The medical association did not accept the result of the mediation.

On Wednesday, the notice came about which doctors withdrew, writes the Norwegian Medical Association in a press release.

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The medical association will take 23 doctors in Tromsø, Trondheim, Narvik, Bergen and Stavanger on strike starting Monday, October 26. If the parties do not reach an agreement before then, the Norwegian Medical Association warns that the strike will intensify early next week.

– Norway is in the middle of a pandemic that has had major consequences for the health service. Our first recall greatly protects the population and patients from the consequences of the strike. We are concerned about taking social responsibility, even during a strike, says President Marit Hermansen.

No time for more studies

According to a press release from the Norwegian Medical Association, doctors in smaller municipalities work an average of 37.7 hours on call per week, either in the form of on-call duty, home care or support tasks.

READ ALSO: The medical association prepares a strike

“A quarter of doctors have more than 52.8 hours of emergency care per week. This is in addition to a normal work week as a GP. 1 in 10 doctors works 100 full hours of emergency care or more per week, “it says in the press release.

– For years, KS has rejected all proposals that would reduce the huge workload and instead proposed new working groups and reports. At the same time, working hours have increased to unmanageable levels. The dire situation in the district municipalities shows that we do not have time for further studies, says Hermansen.

She says they want KS to sit down with the Norwegian Medical Association and make the necessary arrangement changes that are needed to ease the heavy work pressure in the ER.

Will spread far

The requirement of the medical association in the negotiations has been that the doctor must consent to more than seven hours of emergency care per week, which corresponds to 28 hours of emergency care. The hours in the emergency room are in addition to your work week as a regular doctor.

– The hiring crisis has caused the emergency services of many municipalities to be organized in a very fragile way and have few personnel. However, we will do everything we can to carry out a new strike without this unnecessarily affecting patient service, Hermansen says.
