Trondheim, Coronavirus | Warns infection record in Trondheim


Health and wellness director Helge Garåsen in Trondheim warns that Sunday’s infection rates will be record high.

The health and wellness director tells NRK that he expects the number of infections by Sunday to exceed 60 newly infected.

– There is a great pressure of infection around the city, and there are several people walking around the city who are infected, and there is a great risk of you getting infected when you meet people, says Garåsen.

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The exact numbers will arrive a little later today.

On the second day of Christmas, Trondheim introduced stricter measures after an ongoing outbreak was found in the city and 34 new infected people were discovered. Among other things, a bar stop was introduced at 10 p.m. and a limit to 10 social contacts outside of work and family.

(© NTB)


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