Trondheim, Coronavirus | Claiming to be a super spreader in a drug environment: – Suddenly said bang


Dozens of people in the drug scene in Trondheim have been infected with corona in recent days.

(Nidaros): Several people in the drug scene have also been quarantined, writes St. Olavs Hospital in an article on its own website.

– Suddenly he said bang on Monday, December 21, says Vibeke Kleveland, psychiatric nurse from the Health and Overdose team in the municipality of Trondheim, in the article.

Nidaros has tried to contact her, but she has not responded to our inquiries.

Since Christmas Eve, there has been an infection screening and drug environment testing.

One person from the drug scene should have been hospitalized, while the others should not have severe symptoms.

Also read: New infection record in Trondheim: – It has never been as serious as now

– Most people know how to isolate themselves and follow the guidelines. Then they are home alone. We have a collaboration with the municipal chief doctor for the prescription of medicines. We deliver medicine and food to the door daily to those in quarantine, says the psychiatric nurse.

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The article states that the health and overdose team suspects that a person in the environment should be a so-called super spreader, but this person does not want to be tested.

– We are also struggling to locate the person in question. It does not have a permanent home and has been around a lot, Kleveland says in the article.

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The municipality’s health and welfare director, Helge Garåsen, confirms that there has been a lot of infection in the drug environment, but claims they have reasonably good control over this. However, that there should be a super spreader is not something you have ever heard of.

– My infection team has no indication that there are super-spreaders in that environment, he says.

Read also: NIPH in a new risk report: – Sooner or later it will spread in Norway

He says that the infection team has been in close dialogue with the health and overdose team, and that it has been extensively tested.

– Throughout Christmas, extensive testing has been done with both rapid tests and sticks, he says.

Read more Nidaros cases here.


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