Trond Giske during the county annual meeting: – I have something to say


Trond Giske is in place during the annual county meeting in Trøndelag after last week’s drama.

The case is being updated.

– I’ll say mine from the rostrum, Trond Giske said on the way to the annual county meeting in Trøndelag.

When Dagbladet asks him, Giske says it’s always good to come to Trøndelag.

– I’ll take the floor, I have something to say, he tells the newspaper.

According to TV 2, Giske will speak during the debate on Saturday.

Follow the county annual meeting right on top of the case.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Trond Giske arrives at the Trøndelag Labor Party County Annual Meeting at the Clarion Hotel and Congress Trondheim on Saturday.  The day before, it was announced that Marit Bjerkås would be nominated as the new leader and that Giske would enter politics.

Trond Giske arrives at the Trøndelag Labor Party County Annual Meeting at the Clarion Hotel and Congress Trondheim on Saturday. The day before, it was announced that Marit Bjerkås would be nominated as the new leader and that Giske would enter politics. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix
Photo: (NTB scanpix)

Dramatic days

On Friday, Trond Giske wrote a post on Facebook stating that he is getting involved in politics.

The position comes shortly after the Trøndelag Labor Party election committee chose to nominate Marit Bjerkås as the new county team leader, after Giske was rejected.

Many are said to have been surprised when Bjerkås was proposed. Several outlets reported earlier on Friday that MP Ingvild Kjerkol was the frontrunner to become the new leader when it became clear that the nominating committee would come up with a new recommendation. Instead, the nominating committee recommended Bjerkås.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Ingvild Kjerkol is said to have aspired to become county leader.

Ingvild Kjerkol is said to have aspired to become county leader. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB scanpix

The nominating committee’s leader, Arild Grande, must, according to TV 2, among others, have received information that there could be a warning if Kjerkol was nominated.

Against NRK, Kjerkol rages on Saturday.

– The nominating committee leader has broken all our routines for both electoral processes and notification routines. An agreement must be reached. It won’t be to start a new culture to continue the race that Arild Grande has run last week, he tells NRK during the Trøndelag Labor Party annual meeting in the county.

Read more: Ingvild Kjerkol takes a hard line against nominating committee chair Arild Grand

Mayor: Ambush

Trondheim Mayor Rita Ottervik tells Dagbladet that she believes both Giske and Kjerkhold are exposed to an ambush, where warnings are issued against them.

– It is not a culture that we can have. There are also others in Trøndelag who have experienced the same, that notification is used to disrupt democratic processes.

– We must begin to build a culture where there is a lower threshold for continually reporting, that we continually address the things that are not right between us to prevent more unfortunate things from happening, and that we reassure people that they are willing to do so. queue for the party. Fewer and fewer will stand up and expose themselves to this kind of thing.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Mayor Rita Ottervik in place before the Trøndelag Labor Party holds the county's annual meeting at the Clarion Hotel and Congress Trondheim on Saturday.  Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix

Mayor Rita Ottervik in place before the Trøndelag Labor Party holds the county’s annual meeting at the Clarion Hotel and Congress Trondheim on Saturday. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix

New scenario

Giske was originally unanimously nominated as the county’s new leader on Monday, but AUF withdrew its support for Giske on Thursday night after Sandra Skillingsås told of her personal experiences with Trond Giske and Trøndelag Ap in an interview with Adresseavisen.

After AUF withdrew its support, it emerged that the nominating committee held an emergency meeting. They arrived on Friday with a new attitude where Trond Giske is not part of the leadership clique. However, it was speculated whether there could be a coincident vote if there were bench proposals for Giske during Saturday’s leadership elections.

– I do not want to present myself in a bank proposal and I recommend that the annual meeting meet around the proposal of the nominating committee. I hope the many who have supported me in Trøndelag’s municipal parties will follow up on that call, writes Giske in his post.

Instead, he urges the annual meeting to unanimously end Bjerkås on Saturday.

– It is a policy in my heart and loves the same grassroots party as me, he tells Adresseavisen.

Also read: Labor has received a new warning against Trond Giske: this is how he responds

Bjerkås: – A very tough week

Marit Bjerkås believes that the last week shows that she has a great job ahead of her, if she is elected the new county leader.

– It has been a very hectic week, and what has happened has been hard for many. But I am very happy that we are meeting here now and we hope to have many good political discussions throughout the day, Marit Bjerkås tells NTB on the way to the annual county meeting in the Trøndelag Labor Party.

Click the pic to enlarge.  The day before the annual county meeting in Trøndelag on Saturday, it was announced that Marit Bjerkås will be nominated as the new leader and that Trond Giske will enter politics.  Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix

The day before the annual county meeting in Trøndelag on Saturday, it was announced that Marit Bjerkås (left) will be nominated as the new leader. Trond Giske (right) gets involved in politics. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix

The new leader will be elected on Saturday.

Erik Stephansen: This time, Giske is not right in his criticism of the media

– Do you think you can gather the group and create peace in the ranks?

– I am absolutely sure that I do not have the opportunity to do it myself. We have a full board and we are a good team, and I hope the party and the team want to contribute so that we can build again, says Bjerkås.

She says she is prepared for the fact that there may be bench proposals for Kjerkol, and that there may be a party vote during the county annual meeting.

– As it has been this week, we don’t know anything until the annual meeting is over. I am prepared for that, but at the same time there has been a unanimous attitude. It will be exciting to see how this goes anyway.

Also read: Trond Giske: – Understand if Trøndelag Labor Party elects someone else
