Triple the number of patients with crown in Ahus in two weeks – VG


STRONG INCREASE: The main entrance to Akershus University Hospital (Ahus). Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum, NTB

Since February 17, the number of corona patients at Akershus University Hospital has risen from 7 to 24. – Quite a significant burden, says the hospital director.


In recent weeks, several coronary heart disease patients have been admitted to Ahus. In two weeks it triples.

CEO Øystein Mæland at Ahus explains that it is the increasing infection pressure in the population that is reflected in the number of corona patients in the hospital.

– Now we have a growing tendency to infection both in the three districts of Oslo that belong to us, as well as in some of the large municipalities of Akershus. That’s the explanation, he says.

– SIGNIFICANT LOAD: CEO Øystein Mæland reports on the situation at Akershus University Hospital (Ahus). Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB

He hopes that the stricter measures now being introduced both in Oslo and in neighboring municipalities will take effect.

– We’ve seen this before. Precise prevention of congestion in hospitals is an important reason for taking action. You have to bet it works, as it has before, says Ahus’s director.

Outbreaks of infection in the Oslo area

At the end of March last year, there were at most 64 corona patients in the hospital. The previous hospitalization stop was in mid-January, with 37 corona patients. In the weeks that followed, it went downhill, until February 17. Then he turned around.

Also at the Oslo University Hospital, February 17 was a happy low point, with five patients with crowns. Monday was 14. Therefore, it has also been close to tripling in corona patients.

In recent weeks, infection rates have increased in Oslo. On February 25, 245 cases of infection were reported in the last 24 hours.

Hope measures have an effect

On Monday, a total of 102 corona patients were admitted to Norwegian hospitals, about a quarter of them in Ahus. This is shown in the overview of the Norwegian Health Directorate.

– It is quite a significant burden, which is palpable. We currently have quite a few intensive care patients as well, but we have no capacity issues. We have agreements with hospitals in the capital area to receive assistance, if the situation becomes critical, says Mæland.

ULLEVÅL: Oslo University Hospital has also tripled the number of corona patients. Photo: Gøran Bohlin

There has also been an increase in infection in Lillestrøm recently. According to Mayor Jørgen Vik (Labor Party), there was an increase in infection cases of 30 percent last week, and about 20 percent of those infected in the municipality have an unknown route of infection.

Prepared for multiple patients

Ahus’s director says the hospital is poised to receive more corona patients in the coming weeks. It is too early to expect a strong effect from the vaccine, which is given mainly to nursing home residents. To a small extent, they have come to Ahus for treatment.

– Currently, the coverage rate of the vaccine is not high enough that we can get a great effect from it with us, says Mæland.

Regarding the British virus variant, which the National Institute of Public Health now estimates that between 50 and 70 percent of those infected in Oslo and Viken are infected, the hospital director does not have an overview of the proportion of patients with crown admitted. to hospital.

Do you have this with you? Ahus’s TikTok video has gone viral:
