Tributes to the husband


The US presidential elections are fast approaching. On November 3, Americans who have not yet voted go to the polls.

US President Donald Trump and his opponent Joe Biden are spending the past few days holding demonstrations across the country.

Trump spent his Saturday at four different rallies in Pennsylvania. The first lady of the United States, Melania Trump, was in West Brend, Wisconsin.

Believes 700 deaths are due to election rallies

Believes 700 deaths are due to election rallies

– Shame on everyone

Several crown experts have repeatedly criticized Trump’s handling of the pandemic and his gigantic election campaign rallies.

The first lady, instead, blatantly brags about her husband’s efforts in the fight against the coronavirus.

– At a time when leadership is essential, Democrats try to portray fear and doubt, solely for political reasons. Shame on anyone who doubts the potential effectiveness of a vaccine, just because it will be under the leadership of my husband, the first lady said, according to several American media outlets.

The first lady, like her husband, was diagnosed with the coronavirus in October.

GET SACRIFICE: This statement by Donald Trump has caused many to react. Video: AP
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– Weeks away from the vaccine

Trump has repeatedly promised that a corona vaccine is not far off. At a press conference at the White House on Sept. 16, Trump promised that Americans would receive a vaccine in the coming weeks.

He repeated the same message in the second and final presidential debate with Joe Biden on October 23. No vaccine has yet been approved in the United States.

The president himself was, as mentioned, in Pennsylvania, and also during that public meeting he claimed that a vaccine is only a few weeks away.

POPULAR ENCOUNTER: President Donald Trump held rallies in Pennsylvania on Saturday. Dagbladet was present at the public meeting. Photo: Lars E vivos Bones / Dagbladet
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– We are only a few weeks away from a safe vaccine. Seniors will be first in line and it will be free, the president said while speaking to supporters in Newtown, Pennsylvania.

Far to Biden

The first lady also used the time to get closer to her husband’s opponent, Joe Biden. Among other things, he objected to Biden’s comment that it will be “a dark winter.”

– We have made great strides in the fight against coronavirus. I’ve seen Donald keep working hard to keep people informed and calm. To protect our finances and to make difficult and unpopular decisions to do everything possible to keep ourselves safe, the first lady boasted.

Donald Trump canceled a scheduled election rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, on Thursday.
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I got help from Obama

Biden spent his time at a public meeting in Flint, Michigan, and he wasn’t alone. He was aided by former President Barack Obama, and together they beat up Donald Trump.

– Now he accuses the doctors of making money with this pandemic. Think about it. It has no understanding. He does not understand that someone would risk his life to save others without trying to make money from it, Obama expanded.

The comment comes after Trump’s statements that apparently indicated that doctors overreport COVID-19 deaths with financial gain in mind.

Trump Victory: - Stupid Theories

Trump Victory: – Stupid Theories

Aroused attention

– Our doctors earn more if someone dies from covid. You know this right? I mean, our doctors are very smart people. So they say sorry, but everyone dies from covid, Trump said at a rally on Friday.

The statement has attracted attention.

While the first lady bragged about her husband, Obama used the rally to uninhibitedly brag about Biden.

– He and Kamala Harris will be in the fight, not for themselves, but for each of us, he boasted and shot:

– And we can’t say that about the president we have right now.
