Trapped in wheelhouse when ship turned around – NRK


The accident occurred around 6 pm in Tingvoll, just outside Sandnessjøen airport in the municipality of Alstahaug.

A seven meter long aluminum work boat belonging to the aquaculture industry crashed and capsized.

The ship turned around and the ship’s driver was locked inside the locked wheelhouse. He still managed to ask for help.

– The man explained that the boat was turned over by a wave and was left at a 90 degree incline. Bodies of water meant he couldn’t open the door, rescue leader Rune Danielsen at the Main Rescue Center in northern Norway tells NRK.

The reason the door could not be opened was probably because it was locked by the load. The closed door also helped prevent the ship from sinking.

Helgelands Blad was the first to report the accident.

Sent mayday

The main rescue center sent emergency messages to all ships in the area.

Several ships arrived, including the car ferry “Tenna” and the pilot boat from Sandnessjøen. The ambulance boat “Eyr Ytterholmen” with crews from the Sandnessjøen fire service with diving capabilities also arrived at the scene.

Broke the door

“Tenna” and the well boat “Ro Vision” helped the wounded man with a rescue boat. The crews managed to open the wheelhouse door and retrieve the man.

He was then transported to the Helgeland Hospital in Sandnessjøen by ambulance boat.

Rescue leader Rune Danielsen at the Main Rescue Center in northern Norway says the man was affected by the experience.

– He was shaking, he was not injured, says the rescue leader.

The lifeboat “Off Fellow III” now takes care of the boat until it can be rescued ashore.

The weather was fine in the area when the accident occurred. The reason the boat capsized may be that it was well loaded and thus had trapped water.

Here on the outskirts of Stokka in Sandnessjøen the ship crashed.
