Total stop in Germany – VG


CLOSING: Chancellor Angela Merkel. Photo: KAY NIETFELD / POOL

The high pressure of the infection leaves few options for the Germans. Chancellor Angela Merkel and prime ministers are shutting down the country.

As of Wednesday of this week, Germans will not have the opportunity to buy Christmas gifts in physical stores.

Through January 10, all non-essential stores must now be closed. Only places like grocery stores, health food stores, and pharmacies can stay open.

Schools and kindergartens will also be closed, and it will be possible for parents to have more days of care during the period, Der Spiegel writes.

The newspaper has agreed to the plans that Chancellor Angela Merkel presented this Sunday to the 16 prime ministers of Germany. It is these plans that have now been adopted.

“We are obliged to do something, and now we are doing something,” Merkel said after Sunday’s video meeting with leaders in the states according to NTB.

The infection trend in Germany is increasing, with 338.5 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the country. In the last 14 days, almost 6,000 deaths have been registered.

Markus Söder, who is the head of government in Bavaria, supports the proposal for stricter measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

– The figures are worse than ever, he tells the Welt am Sonntag newspaper.

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Between 24. – 26. In December, five close relatives and their children up to 14 years old can meet. According to the plans to which Der Spiegel refers, spouses, partners and partners, as well as blood relatives and members of their household, will be included in the category of “close relatives”.

Religious gathering places like churches, mosques and synagogues can only be kept open if you can keep a distance of 1.5 meters. There are also plans for a bandage and a ban on singing in public. If one expects full meeting rooms, visitors must register, it is indicated in the documents according to Der Spiegel.

AGREEMENT: Chancellor Angela Merkel, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder, Finance Minister Olaf Scholz and Berlin Mayor Michael Mueller after Sunday’s meeting. Photograph: BERND VON JUTRCZENKA / X80003

A ban on gatherings on New Year’s Eve, a ban on launching fireworks in public places and a ban on the sale of fireworks are expected to be introduced.

Drinking alcohol in public places is also prohibited.

Merkel says that the current crown rules in the country have failed to reduce the pressure of contagion, and that therefore it is necessary to introduce stricter measures to reduce social contact between people.

According to Merkel, the closure will apply until January 10, and a new meeting will be held on January 5 to consider a possible extension further.

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Some states have tightened the measures, including Baden-Württemberg, which has announced a partial curfew starting next week.

Saxony, where the infection is now spreading faster, also plans a curfew between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., according to NTB.

Germany has had a very high infection pressure recently, with more than 20,000 new cases daily. A total of 29,875 new cases were reported on Friday, more than ever.

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