Top-tier athlete charged with assault and rape –



– [Ekskona] Do not accept that I have left and thought I would return. She wants me for her. If she’s not allowed to have me, no one else should have me either.

This is what the former elite athlete who sits on the witness stand at Nedre Romerike district court says, with very serious charges against him:

The father of the family, in his 40s, is accused of having grossly and systematically abused his ex-wife partner in the period 2002-2018 and of having raped her several times in the last two years of the period. One point refers to threats against another member of the family.

ACTOR: Acting State Attorney Anne Glede Allum is leading the case on behalf of the prosecution.  Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB

ACTOR: Acting State Attorney Anne Glede Allum is leading the case on behalf of the prosecution. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB
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– Shocked and shocked

– I am shocked and shocked by the accusation and accusations. [ekskona] has come against me. I have not been abused and raped [ekskona], and has not threatened [det andre familiemedlemmet], he continues.

– My impression is that I had offended her by leaving her, and she will take revenge and destroy me. I experience her as bitter. She has shown it through bullying, harassment and spreading rumors about me, she claims.

The father of the family gives a clear and definite explanation, somewhat interrupted, free on the witness stand. Towards the end, he gradually bursts into tears.

He described the hell of violence

Yesterday, the ex-wife gave a surprisingly free explanation, in which she described a hell of violence, where she had to admit that her husband would abuse her almost anytime, often for hours, inside the family home’s laundry, such as is. it was further away from the children.

– If I got lost or passed out, he always got mad. If I passed out or fell to the ground, it was pathetic. “Shit, bitch!” he said. He could sit on me and put his knee on me. “Does it hurt now?” What? “She said, the woman explained, occasionally choking in tears.

The elite athlete yesterday denied his guilt in all the points of the integral accusation. Separately, the abuse and rape points carry a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison.

DEFENDANT: Frode Sulland defends the defendant in his 40s.  Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB

DEFENDER: Frode Sulland defends the defendant in his 40s. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB
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– Controller and condescending

After the different parties in court at 1:00 p.m. today had finished questioning the ex-wife, the defendant took the witness stand, after a thorough disinfection of the place. He has a completely different presentation of what the relationship was like between them:

According to him, it was the ex-wife who controlled him and was condescending, so he gained low self-esteem.

– It was in fights [ekskona] who chatted, did not let go. If I tried to give my opinion, they would tell me it was like talking to a small child. She turned everything around so that I was the problem, pointing to old things, like infidelity, says the man in his 40s.

Admit insults

The former elite athlete, who has high status in the local community, admits that he has said nasty things to his ex-wife, but maintains that it went both ways.

– I could say she was an asshole, a fucking whore, a whore, and that she was ugly and a whore. [Ekskona] I said I have a brain tumor and I am ugly. He has criticized that I am too thin, discarded that I have a big and ugly nose. If it was on TV or in the newspaper, she would say she saw me as incapacitated, brain dead, or disabled, she says.

– The worst was: “Can’t you just jump [høy bru på Romerike] and take your life? Anyway, no one will miss you. “

The accused explains that there could be physical confrontations. But he says the ex was at least as active as him.

– She has hit me several times in the face or has spat at me when she was coming towards me, so that I have pushed her several times. Several times he had to get hold of my phone, so we ended up in a fight. He’s also scratched my face during fights, he says.

JUDGE: Håkon Schei Mentzoni is the administrator of the court.  Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB

JUDGING: Håkon Schei Mentzoni is the court administrator. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB
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– Violent anger

While the ex has told her that she has violent and uncontrolled anger, the former elite athlete says on the contrary that she is the one with the biggest problems with anger management.

– I have controlled my anger better than [ekskona], and she has said that she has a fierce anger that she has to work with; that’s actually the only thing I’ve heard her admit throughout our relationship.

The athlete admits to the prosecutor Anne Glede Allum that he has a jealousy problem, so at one point he was persuaded to go to a psychologist.

– Do you think it’s a problem that you always had to have contact with her when she was away? Allum asks, referring to the many messages he sent his ex every time she went out without him.

– Yes, it was because he was jealous.

The man in his 40s says the two were in love when they first met in the early 2000s, but that the former quickly took control of his private life and isolated him from friends and family.

– He didn’t like them. I felt that my mother in particular was too accessible and could criticize my childhood. I think he disliked them out of envy.

– Spread of rumors

The athlete believes the former has systematically defamed him after the two parted ways in the spring of 2018.

– [Ekskona] She has always controlled me, would continue to do so after I left her. “I have so much power over you that I will crush you,” he said. In the Family Office there were no signs of cooperation, she just wanted to blacken me.

The defendant says that the time after the breakup with his ex has been very difficult, both professionally and privately.

– I have been afraid and afraid that she will do something with those closest to me. And finally this review says.

The man’s defender, Frode Sulland, stated at the beginning of the main hearing yesterday that the evidence base is sparse. He also reacted to recent information that the client was intercepted by police at the time of the first questioning, August / September 2019.
