Tolls, Oslo City Hall | Oslo doesn’t want toll cuts


The government parties and the FRP are giving away the money that was to go towards toll cuts in Oslo in western Norway and northern Norway.

– This is a day of joy, says FRP politician Bård Hoksrud.

Recently, Nettavisen was able to report that the Oslo City Council has rejected the Government’s package, which would have given 600 million for public transport in Oslo and lower tolls for motorists. The money had to go directly to the Treasury.

Now the government parties and the FRP have reached an agreement that sends 277 million in toll cuts to other parts of the country.

Also read: Raymond Johansen asks the state for crisis help – says no to 600 million: – Terribly arrogant

Specifically, the agreement applies to the Trældal tunnel on the E10 between Narvik and Bjerkvik in Nordland and to the Kvamma package. In both places, toll rates will be reduced by 50 percent, according to sources at Nettavisen.

– The Oslo City Council has ensured that Oslo residents do not benefit from either the money for public transport or the lower tolls. Now we can move the money to places in the country where they really want it, says Bård Hoksrud.

Also Read: Believe Toll Claims Create Thousands of Debt Slaves: – Morally Reprehensible

Expect soft cake, flag hoisting and cheers.

– By now there will probably have been raised flags and cheers in northern Norway and western Norway. While the Oslo city hall is failing its own inhabitants, Hoksrud says.

In the government’s proposal for a new aging (budget liquidation), it was proposed that NOK 600 million for toll cuts and lower prices for public transport in Oslo should be transferred back to the Treasury.


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