Toll-Myrhol believes he is exposed to a coup attempt – VG


MUST FIGHT FOR PARTY LEADER POSITION: Leader Frode Myrhol at FNB says it is unclear if he will vote, if there is no unanimity Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen

Frode Myrhol admits that he runs the risk of being fired as the leader of the Popular Action No to Tolls (FNB) party. – You may have to accept that, but it will be stupid for the party, he says.

Myrhol has been the main profile of the party. He says he has given up and relaxed.

– I was at the beginning of the process thinking about whether I should consider giving, because I have more than enough to do. But I came to the conclusion that it would be wrong to give up now. That’s why I asked.

He says that he is now subjected to an attempted coup.

– Yes, they have planned a coup and take me on a surprise attack. I hadn’t heard any of this until Tuesday and I think it’s very special that they come up with such a strategy a few days before the national meeting.

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Says it’s on the cards you can lose.

– Yes, it is Oslo, Viken and Vestfold / Telemark who are behind this and they are so large that they have a majority, if they have their delegations behind this coup. But there is great uncertainty about it.

He says he may not make himself available for election to the central table and that he hopes clarifications related to the elections will come before a possible ballot in the room on Sunday.

– I think the party has won unanimity on this, so it is not safe to put it to the vote.

Myrhol is challenged by Cecilie Lyngby from Oslo.

The nominating committee is divided and has made a divided recommendation.

The recommendation of the majority, three of the five committee members, will have Lyngby as chair and Myrhol as vice chair.

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The minority on the committee, two out of five members, wants Myrhol as chair and Lyngby as vice chair.

– What do you do if you lose?

– It is not relevant to run as a candidate for deputy. I have more than enough to do in the exciting positions I have as group leader for our Stavanger city council group and as group leader at the county council.

– But don’t you just give up without a fight?

– No I do not. I think he is wise of the game that I follow. I have been the leader that people have seen representing the party externally and it will be a loss for the party if they kick me out.

– Difficult, because I am friends with Frode

Cecilie Lyngby is the FNB municipal representative in Oslo and sits on the health and social committee.

FRIENDSHIP MATCH: Cecilie Lyngby will race against her friend. Photo: Hallgeir Vågenes

She confirms to Aftenbladet that she will take over as party leader if the national assembly points her out.

– This is difficult for me, because I am friends with Frode. I don’t wish it were like this. But my thing is to listen to people. The members are the people. So I have to listen, and if the national assembly asks me, I’ll pick up the glove, he tells Aftenbladet.

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