Tix is ​​perhaps one of the best debaters I’ve seen


To put it bluntly: I was moved to see you at the Debate! writes Runar Chang Nordgård (15). Photo: Screenshot NRK Debatten

Realistic and nice: Why can’t all of us and politicians debate like Tix?

Say; D post
This is a post by Si; D. Opinions in the text are the responsibility of the writer. Publications can be submitted here.

One thing we constantly notice when we look at the debates are inaccuracies, government techniques, personal attacks, and cheap attacks on the other party. Instead of responding to arguments, many try to bring down the other party by delegitimizing.

So, to put it bluntly, I was moved to see Tix The debates Tuesday night. Although Tix, as far as I know, had never participated in a debate before, he was perhaps one of the best debaters I have seen.

Something to learn

I myself must honestly admit that I have never seen anything special at the Melodi Grand Prix, Eurovision or modern music competitions. But if there is one thing in which I have had a great interest and have followed closely, it is the debates. And here it is clear that we, both the people and the party leaders, have something to learn from the winner of this year’s MGP.

Tix started by saying that he thinks Dagbladet’s music critic Anders Grønneberg is a “very nice guy.” This happened right after host Fredrik Solvang featured some of the quotes from his reviews, which in my opinion haunt Tix.

Michelle Obama in practice

Tix gave us the perfect demonstration of Michelle Obama’s “When they go down, we go high” in practice. He responded to statements like “how about having a little laugh at Lindmo” and “even if 1000 flies like crap, it doesn’t mean it’s good” in a way that I’ve never seen a local politician, county politician, MP or the party leader is always finished.

Tix never went after Grønneberg. Rather, Tix apparently tried to team up with Grønneberg and give him a chance to be a friend.

Then I just ask. Why can’t we do the same? A former Russian artist with virtually no debate experience manages to be 100 percent factual and exemplary throughout the debate. What prevents us from doing the same?

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