Tired of the crown and Donald


It will last until next year. It is almost unbearable for someone who depends on meeting other people in their work. I really miss the chat with my fellow editors and the daily visits to the Storting.

Lunch with good sources and interesting meetings in associations in the evening.

Read also: The crisis budget in Oslo: Consideration of reducing opening hours, fireworks, tree planting and saving lives

The working day has gotten poorer. You don’t need to lower your head. Crown measurements are absolutely necessary. Rather isolated than dead.

I probably haven’t missed so much news sitting at home. The news image has been filled with two things: Donald Trump and the crown. The Norwegian media have never followed an American election campaign so closely as this time. Never has the electoral campaign been so skewed as it is now. Almost everything has revolved around the losers’ favorite, Donald Trump.

It seems that the newsrooms will make up for the fact that in the last election they ignored that Trump could beat Hillary Clinton.

On Tuesday, Donald is probably history. Then we’ll also get to hear what new President Joe Biden stands for and what America can look forward to in the years ahead.

I’m certainly not the only one who is tired of hearing about Donald Trump. There are also many of us who have grown a little tired of having our ears filled with the crown and constantly new infection control measures.

Also read: – You should not cut back in schools to save on corona measures

It’s just persevering. The corona pandemic has resumed. We are almost where we were in March.

At that moment, the authorities struck hard almost blindly. Fortunately they were right. The virus died. Unfortunately, it came back. This week, the government and the city council attacked again.

In Oslo, a home office was ordered. We will not be more than the family and five more people in a private company. During the week we should not meet with more than ten people. Nozzles are mandatory on trams, buses, metros, bars, and public places. Otherwise, the same applies to keeping your distance (meters), washing your hands, and being home when you’re sick.

It is not worse.However, many have been angry.

They say they don’t understand the rules and why we should have them. You’re pretty weak at mental arithmetic if you can’t count to five or ten. It’s almost unbelievable that those who laugh haven’t realized that the crown is life threatening. Compared to all other countries, Norway is in a favorable situation. This is because we live in a long country where people do not live together. But above all, it is because we have emerging health authorities who know their visiting hours. Better a poor horse than no horse.

Political support for the measures is not as strong as it used to be.

The opposition has started to move. They want the Storting to get more involved. It is a reasonable democratic demand that Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Health Minister Bent Høie should fulfill. They appear as “kings of the sun” once a week and tell people what they think people have a right to know. A friendly press asks some harmless questions.

The government should cut some of the press conferences and instead go to the Storting to gain broad political support for the measures. Press conferences are called when you have something important to announce to the public. They were a success for the government at first. Now they are about to become a foot staple.

The corona pandemic has put a wet hand on work at the Storting.

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The work on the state budget for next year is going well enough as it should. But it does not bounce in the process. The supporting party Frp will not challenge the government in a way that could lead to a government crisis.

Voters won’t get it at a time when the crown is holding back economic activity in most industries. The country has an unemployment rate that we did not have since the interwar period.

Municipalities are struggling economically. On Thursday, Local Government Minister Nikolai Astrup (H) told a press conference that the government is allocating an additional NOK 7.3 billion to municipalities in the 2021 budget to cover extraordinary expenses of the crown in the first half of this year. You will easily slip through the deliberations of the Storting. The question is whether the opposition will demand more or not. The pandemic has cost a lot so far. There may be more next year.
