Tighter coronary restrictions in France | ABC News


The new rules formally went into effect at 7 p.m. Saturday night, at the same time as the curfew. Thus, in practice, they will only apply from the time the curfew is lifted on Sunday morning at 6 o’clock.

In the capital area, a task force of 6,600 people will verify that the rules are being followed, Paris police say.

Tighter restrictions have already been introduced in several areas of France, including the Paris area, and are now spreading across the country.

What is new is that the Paris police have banned the street sale of alcohol in restaurants and bars. In addition, travel restrictions will be reintroduced. This means that people can only exercise or move up to ten kilometers from their home and must have a valid reason to travel outside of their area.

Various controls are also introduced to ensure that no more than six people gather in public places.

French President Emmanuel Macron addressed the nation in a televised speech Wednesday night, where the measures were presented.

The background is a negative development in infection rates and the number of people admitted to intensive care units. More than 400 people out of 100,000 have been infected with corona in the last week.
