Tidens Krav – Traffic accident – the car went off the road


Tidens Krav received shortly after 5 p.m. Friday afternoon a notice that a car had run off the road at Bergem in Tingvoll.

As you can see from the readers’ photos, the emergency services are in place.

The TK man at the scene, Jan Arve Ødegård, says the car has been traveling in the direction of Kristiansund.

– I don’t know what happened, but now the car is on the other side of a field. It has slipped on a sign and there are some car parts scattered about. I have been informed that there will be no talk of serious injuries, says Ødegård.

Police operations manager Erik Dyb tells Tidens Krav in the 17-40 period that the police currently choose to be somewhat reluctant with information about the accident:

– The driver is a woman in her 20s, who was alone in the car and left the road. These are not serious injuries.

The woman was taken to the ER for a checkup.

– The police have revoked the driver’s license for negligent driving, concludes Dyb.

The car ended up off the road and is now in a field.

The car ended up off the road and is now in a field. Photo:
