Thrown in the car and driven for 70 miles:


When the alarm went off in Gjerdrum, Anita Aasland Brennmoen was sleeping with her granddaughter in Ålesund.

At home, in the Gjerdrum home, Brennmoen’s daughter was home alone.

– I got a call around five, but I thought someone was joking. So I hung up, but realized it was serious, he tells TV 2.

– I had to take

When he realized the seriousness, Brennmoen ran into the living room.

– I was quite confused and ran between my four grandchildren and myself. But we got together, I packed my things and got in the car.

Brennmoen is a representative of the Conservative Party municipal council and is the owner of the Raumergården hotel, which is located near the police operations center in Ask. Therefore, he offered to receive and house the rescuers who collaborate in the dramatic action.

– When I was in the car, I understand that my daughter is in the basement of the house in Gjerdrum and that we will be evacuated. When I didn’t contact her, I panicked. But I was going to drive 70 km, so I had to compose myself, he says.

– too damn

After a while, both the daughter and the cat were evacuated and they were in good hands.

– It was too good to think about what happened. But I did not assimilate it until I entered the town and saw the entire sky illuminated by helicopters and searchlights. Then I felt the tears come, she says.

Now the hotel owner is anxious and fears how the situation will develop. Ten people are still missing and police believe they are in the area of ​​the landslide. But they emphasize that they are still looking for survivors.

– We are looking for remains of relatively intact houses or modules in the red zone. A dog searches inside the first house, while crews stay outside. We haven’t discovered people yet, said operations manager Roger Pettersen.

Brennmoen even has neighbors who have not been accounted for.

– It doesn’t matter what happens at home. Everyone just sits back and waits, and the pain starts to come. Everything grabs us all. I can’t bear to think about how it will go later. Many are affected.
