Three-year-old boy rescued from ruins after four days – NRK Urix – Foreign News and Documentaries


Rescue teams searched eight buildings in the city of Izmir when they found the three-year-old boy. Then she had been trapped inside the building since Friday.

Rescuer Nusret Aksoy said he heard a child scream. After a long time, they managed to find the girl hidden behind a washing machine.

According to the Milliyet newspaper, the girl screamed: “Here I am.”

Aksoy says Ayda Gezgin waved at him, told him his name and that he was fine. She took the rescuer’s hand as they worked hard to free her.

The three-year-old was covered in dust when they helped her. According to Reuters, her father gave her a hug when she finally left.

Per month

According to the Turkish media, Ayda must be in good shape.

Photo: AP

Saved by the washing machine

– She smiled. He had been waiting for us, said Levent Onur, who was one of the rescuers who pulled the three-year-old from the ruins.

Both Ayda’s father, Uğur Gezgin, and his older brother followed the harrowing rescue effort.

According to the Sözcü newspaper, they were outside when the earthquake struck. Ayda and her mother, on the other hand, were trapped within the ruins. Mora was found dead in the ruins an hour after her daughter was found alive.

THIRST AND HUNGER: Inside the ambulance, rescuers ask Ayda Gezgin if she wants anything. The three-year-old asks for Turkish meatballs and the Ayran yogurt drink. Ayda has been locked up in a raid building for four days.

According to rescuers, the washing machine locked in the back of the three-year-old girl acted as a shield, so she was not injured when the house collapsed on her, Reuters writes..

According to the daily Sabah, a doctor confirms that the general health of the three-year-old girl is good and that she does not have internal bleeding.

According to AFP, the three-year-old girl is said to have asked about her parents and ordered meatballs and the Ayran yogurt drink after they took her out.

Gezgin was wrapped in warm blankets and transported in an ambulance as onlookers clapped, cheered, cried and hugged, according to the AP news agency.

– A miracle

– We are witnessing a miracle at the 91 hour, wrote the mayor of Izmir Tunc Soyer on Twitter.

On Monday, Turkish crews also rescued a three-year-old girl and a 14-year-old girl from two destroyed apartment blocks in the Turkish city of Bayrakli.

The discovery of survivors gives rescue workers new hope to find more people alive. They immediately continued the search at the scene, according to Reuters.

So far, 102 people have lost their lives in the powerful earthquake on Friday. A thousand people must be injured. 147 are hospitalized. The status of three of them is critical.

The epicenter was reported below the Aegean Sea. According to the United States Geological Survey, it had a strength of 7.0. Turkish agencies measured the earthquake with a slightly lower intensity.

Two people died and 19 were injured on the Greek island of Samos.

In an earlier version, the mayor of Izmir claimed that the girl was four years old. Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca later said he was three years old.
