Three people found injured in an apartment in Lilleborg


Two people arrested.

Police were notified of a riot at a house in an apartment near the Lilleborg church on Tuesday night. When they arrived at the scene, there were three injured in an apartment.

– We were called here because of disturbances in the houses. When we entered the apartment we found three pieces that were badly beaten and bled a lot. We got the health staff to take them to the hospital, says Tore Barstad, the police operations manager, to the Aftenposten reporter at the scene.

The escape was probably from the balcony towards Christian Mikkelsens’ door. The police have seized several objects in the area. A jacket that someone has thrown away is lying on the ground in the grass outside.

The police are conducting technical investigations outside the apartment. Photo: Hans O. Torgersen

According to the descriptions given by the three injured, the police later arrested two suspects, writes the Oslo police district. Twitter.

Barstad explains that they found the people they were looking for a few hundred meters from the apartment next to the Lilleborg church. They were arrested in Sannergaten.

– We followed the leads from the crime scene and arrested two people who, both because of the leads and the way they are explained, are connected to the case. They are now on their way to center break, says Barstad.

Aftenposten updates the case.
