Three injured in explosion


At 01.11 on Saturday night, the Sør-Øst police were notified that three people were injured in an explosion in the Øvre Eiker municipality.

– Everything now indicates that there are accidents with fireworks, the police wrote to 03.

On Saturday morning, Operations Director Tore Grindem in the southeast police district says the three men appear to have worked with the fireworks.

– It seems they worked with some fireworks and they got gunpowder out of this, when it caught fire for them, Grindem tells Dagbladet 08.40.

MAJOR EMERGENCY: Ambulances and police cars on site.  Photo: Ole Edvin Tangen

GREAT EMERGENCY: Ambulances and police cars on site. Photo: Ole Edvin Tangen
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At 0640, the police state that one person was sent to Ullevål with serious injuries, another has already been discharged with minor injuries and the system was admitted to Drammen hospital with unexplained injuries.

Operations leader Ottar Steinstø tells Dagbladet that it is about a man in his 20s and two men in his 30s.

The bomb squad moved from Oslo to help. Just after 08.30 the bomb squad ended.

– There is nothing more dangerous there now, says Grindem.

Three injured in explosion

– The bomb squad can help us clarify what happened there, says operations manager Steinstø.

According to Drammens Tidende, the police have cordoned off a larger area.

– A good number of interrogations have been taken, and the patrols are printing them now, so there is still a patrol guard in this garage, which is locked. The plan is for crime technicians to eventually investigate the site, Grindem says.
