Three employees at Helse Bergen infected – VG


INFECTION: Three Helse Bergen employees have been confirmed to be infected. Photo: Frode Hansen

The three employees work in different departments of the hospital.

Three employees at Helse Bergen were diagnosed with a corona infection on Friday afternoon, the company states in a press release.

– We are now working to find the infection routes and so far we have no reason to believe that any of them are infected at work. This may indicate that infection in the local community is increasing, says Bergen Health Director Marta Ebbing.

The three employees work in different departments of the hospital.

Helse Bergen has also strengthened infection control measures in the emergency department to prevent the infection from entering the hospital.

– It should be safe for patients to come to the hospital, says Ebbing.

Check the infection situation in Bergen in the VG overview:

Bergen has recently had a major outbreak. The ongoing infection outbreak in the municipality is mainly related to the student community, where the Norwegian School of Management (NHH) is the most affected.

117 students at NHH were confirmed infected on Friday.

The school has stopped all physical education and activities, with only a few students left in the reading room and in the group rooms.

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