Threat with lawsuits for Ivanka’s publicity


The billboards were erected by the Lincoln Project organization, which consists of Republicans working to fight Trump in the November 3 presidential election.

Now Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner, who is also looking at the posters, plan to sue the organization.

– I am writing to you regarding your false, malicious and defamatory advertisements that appear on billboards in Times Square. These commercials show Mrs. Trump posing and smiling alongside the number of dead Americans and New Yorkers, quoting Kushner on the statement that “(New Yorkers) will suffer” and that it is “their problem”, with photos of coffins below, writes your lawyer. , Marc E. Kasowitz, in a letter to the Lincoln Project.

GOOD AS: The public seems to like Donald Trump a lot, even the president claims that a Norwegian is his biggest fan. Video: NTB / AP
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Of course, Mr. Kushner has never made such statements, nor has Ms. Trump in such poses. Lincoln Project’s representation of my clients is outrageous and embarrassing. If the ads are not removed immediately, we will sue you for what is undoubtedly extremely burdensome and punishable damage, he continues.

The organization has shared patent on his Twitter profile, under the text: “Madness!” From night to Sunday, Norwegian time they share theirs. equivalent to the letter.

– Please take your intimidation tactics elsewhere. The Lincoln Project will not be affected by such an empty rail. His customers are no longer part of the Upper East Side upper class and are in a position to sue for the slightest dissatisfaction. Mr. Kushner and Mrs. Trump are public servants. They have been since President Trump brought them into his administration, the organization writes in the response, which they have also shared on their Twitter profile.

They believe that Americans have “the right to freely discuss and criticize such public figures,” and further claim that the content promoted in advertisements “implies correction.”
