Thousands of criminal cases remain intact with the police


In the Eastern Police District alone, 6,000 cases have remained intact for more than three months. More than 1,000 have accumulated dust for more than a year, according to figures compiled by NRK.

In the western police district, 2,748 cases have remained intact for more than three months, while the figures for Trøndelag and Nordland are 1,993 and 862, respectively.

High work pressure has led employees to send written notification to the Norwegian Police Directorate.

“Crying at work”

“Several local union delegates warn about colleagues crying at work. This is justified by the lack of control over one’s portfolio / work situation,” the notice says, among other things.

Union Steward Yvonne Schilling in the Eastern Police District says they view the situation as critical.

– We have received comments from members that they are on sick leave due to the employment situation. This comes at a high cost for those who are left behind. The amount of work is not reduced by the absence of someone.

Serious violence is saved

The cases being dusted off are mostly everything from serious domestic violence to a stolen bicycle.

Police Chief Ida Melbo Øystese in the Eastern Police District does not want to comment on the warning out of respect for treatment. Deputy Police Chief Håkon Skulstad confirms that the warning will be processed by an outside law firm.

The situation is similar in various police districts in the country. Several union leaders that NRK has been in contact with largely acknowledge the notice that has been sent.
