Those infected by the Norwegian crown are so young


FHI presented this Friday a new risk assessment related to the coronavirus.

In the report, FHI explains, among other things, the demographics among Norwegians who have been infected between weeks 37 and 40, from September 7 to last week.

The report reveals that the average age among reported corona cases in the past four weeks was 31 years.

STOP: Thursday’s all-important international game, which was a gigantic defeat, was played with almost empty stands. This has been the case in Norway since March. NIPH recommends continuing with a series of infection control measures. Photograph: Bjørn Langsem / Dagbladet
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The median is calculated by setting all cases in ascending order and then finding the midpoint. This is in contrast to the average, which places great weight on extreme values ​​in the summary.

Foreign-born people accounted for 31 percent of those infected in these weeks, the report reveals.

The figures are based on cases of illness in the four weeks, all of which had more than 700 new cases each.


NEWS: Bent Høie and Camilla Stoltenberg believe that infection control measures have saved lives in Norway. Stop, we believe that the corona pandemic must be “painkillers of others.” Photograph: Bjørn Langsem / Dagbladet
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There were 14 hospital admissions at week 39 and 20 admissions at week 40. In weeks 39/40, five people were admitted to intensive care units. In weeks 39/40, there were five deaths related to covid-19, FHI reports.

The age of those infected is generally low in Norway. In many other European countries, the age is far-right, writes FHI.

“Most countries in Europe are now experiencing a growing number of diagnosed cases and a growing proportion of test positives. Several countries are also seeing an increase among people over 65 and therefore also a increase in hospitalizations and deaths “.

LITTLE KNOWN PARTY: Only eleven percent of cases in the last four weeks can be linked to private events. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet
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According to Public Health, the situation is now worse in Spain, Romania, Malta, Czech Republic, Croatia, France, Hungary and Bulgaria in European countries.

Here people got infected

However, it is not the case that infections related to urban and nightlife can be specifically flagged in Norway.

‘The infection status has been clarified so far for 714 out of 754 known to have been infected in Norway in week 39/40; 77% had had contact with a known case. The most common suspected sites of infection were the private home (33%), the workplace, the university (16%), private events (11%), and travel (7%). For 18%, the presumed site of infection was unknown, “writes FHI.


Waiting for “tidal wave” of patients

Hell in paris

FHI also paints a grim picture of the outbreak that occurred in Paris this fall.

“Paris is now experiencing a new and serious wave of the covid-19 epidemic. The city has reached the second highest level of preparedness, high alert, with 260 cases per 100,000 inhabitants last week, but more seriously more than 100 cases per 100,000 inhabitants over 65. Approximately 36% of the intensive care units in the city are occupied by patients with covid-19. More than 3,500 cases are detected daily in the city, “writes FHI.

INFECT: The boys of the national team are among those who have been crowned most rigorously in recent weeks. Many young people have been infected in Norway. Photograph: Bjørn Langsem / Dagbladet
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The outbreak and the large number of hospitalizations in the French capital also show the greatest need for treatment if a higher proportion of the elderly are affected.

Low mortality

The risk of dying from covid-19 infection is estimated in the latest risk assessment from the National Institute of Public Health at 0.31%. It is not adjusted for age.

Preview: - Very promising

Preview: – Very promising

So far, nearly 90 percent of the deaths have occurred in the group for more than 70 years. For people over the age of 80, the disease appears to be very dangerous with a fatality rate greater than 10 percent, writes FHI.

The NIPH estimates the proportion of infected people who need intensive care in hospitals at 0.27 percent.

FHI Director Camilla Stoltenberg further said at Friday’s press conference that there is a lot of uncertainty associated with the number of deaths from corona, but that says something about the severity of the disease, according to NTB.

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Find opposition at Christmas dinner

– It is three times greater than the corresponding uncertain estimate we have for the flu. And when the flu strikes, as it did in the 2017/2018 season, the number of deaths was estimated at 1,400. Had we had this three times (as a result of the corona pandemic, editor’s note), we would have been desperate for that, Stoltenberg said. .


In the same report, FHI states that national infection control measures should be continued.

“The whole community should prepare to combat local outbreaks during the fall. To avoid regional and national spread of the infection, the National Institute of Public Health recommends that current measures be continued mainly, especially to avoid incidents of massive infection.”

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Warns: – 13,000 jobs threatened

The recommendation is valid until November 1. According to FHI, there is a high risk of infection outbreaks at the local level and that the entire community must prepare for local outbreaks. However, FHI considers the risk of a new national wave of infections to be moderate.

According to FHI, the so-called R number at the end of September was around 1. Therefore, they recommend continuing with national infection control measures.

In the report, FHI also explains where Norwegians were infected last week, in week 40.
