This will be the day of the inauguration


Traditionally, participation in the inauguration of the successor is a symbol of the peaceful takeover of power in the United States. However, Trump has announced that he will not attend the ceremony where Biden will be sworn in as the country’s 46th president on Wednesday.

Instead, it will reject “historic size” Biden, writes CNN.

And after the outgoing president is unpacked, a historically great cleanup job begins.

Holder avskjedsseremoni

Holder avskjedsseremoni

This will be the day of the inauguration

Trump has announced that he will use the Air Force One presidential plane for the last time, on the same inauguration day on January 20.

On Wednesday morning, Trump and Melania will leave the White House and fly to Andrews Air Force Base, before traveling to Palm Beach, Florida. They will get there before 6 p.m. Norwegian time, before Biden puts his hand on the Bible, writes CNN.

Therefore, Trump will not invite the Biden couple to what will be their new home, as an outgoing president often does. According to the channel, the successors will be received by Timothy Harleth, head of the White House family.

He previously worked at the Trump International Hotel in Washington and was hired by Trump in 2017.

APPOINTMENT OF THE PRESIDENT: US authorities are concerned about a possible internal attack during Biden’s inauguration on Wednesday. Video: AP / The New Yorker / Dagbladet.
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The crown ceremony

On Wednesday afternoon, Biden, who has since become president, will attend a wreath ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. Former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama will be there.

It is during this ceremony that most of Biden’s personal belongings will be moved to the White House.

At the same time as this happens, all of the Trump couple’s assets will be removed from the official residence and the couple will likely have arrived in Florida. Unless Trump leaves a letter to Biden, which is common for outgoing presidents, all traces of him will disappear.

Alarm in Congress

Alarm in Congress

A “head-to-toe” cleaning job will also be completed throughout the house at this time, writes CNN.

– Furniture movement, vacuuming, cleaning surfaces, curtains, chandeliers and windows will be completed. This work will begin as soon as Trump and Melania walk out the door, a White House source told the channel.

However, that this process is carried out more precisely and completely than usual, it has nothing to do with Trump, or that Biden has dust in his brain. The historic cleanup job is being carried out in fear of bacteria and viruses related to the pandemic.

SAID GOODBYE: On January 18, First Lady Melania Trump posted her farewell video on Twitter.
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Only three presidents before

Trump’s lack of presence on this day marks the latest in a series of violations of tradition.

Only three presidents have previously made an active decision not to attend the inauguration ceremony. The last time this happened was in 1869, when Andrew Johnson did not attend the inauguration of Ulysses S. Grant. The other two were John Adams in 1801 and John Quincy Adams in 1829, NTB writes.

Furthermore, Woodrow Wilson did not attend his successor’s inauguration in 1921, due to health problems. Richard Nixon resigned as president in 1974, a unique event in American history, and did not attend Gerald Ford’s inauguration.

CNN describes Trump’s decision as “childish behavior.”

- The right thing to do

– The right thing to do

– Disgusting

Melania has also not approached Jill Biden as first ladies often do. Hope that she will show hospitality to her successor is dwindling, the channel writes.

The consolation for the future president and first lady, however, is that Joe Biden is well known in the White House after eight years as vice president and his long political career.

But Trump’s “lack of courtesy” this day does not go unnoticed. Not even among his former followers:

“The behavior is disgusting,” a former Trump administration official told CNN.
