This will be the case of the Supreme Court against Donald Trump


Negotiations took place Monday on how Democrats and Trump supporters will present their arguments when the Supreme Court case opens in the Senate on Tuesday.

It was negotiated how much time should be devoted to opening speeches, how long senators take to cross-examine and which witnesses should be subpoenaed.

The parties agreed on how the case will go in the coming days on Monday night, Senate Leader Chuck Schumer was able to announce.

– The structure we have agreed on is quite fair. It will allow the case to reach its goal: uncover the truth and the question of guilt, he said.

  • Follow the Supreme Court case live on Dagbladet TV from 2pm.
The lie has cost more than $ 519 million

The lie has cost more than $ 519 million

This is how the case will go

Tuesday: The Supreme Court case will begin with a four-hour debate on whether it is unconstitutional to nominate a resigned president to the Supreme Court, to which several Republicans have strongly opposed. Trump’s advocates have also argued that this is unconstitutional.

Yet Democrats have responded to the problem.

– The President takes a sacred oath, valid from the first to the last day of the mandate. There is no “January exception” in the constitution that allows a president to abuse his power during his final days without being held accountable, they wrote in their response.

When the four-hour debate is over, the question will be voted on and decided by a majority: 51 percent. Democrats have clear strength in the Senate, with Vice President Kamala Harris having her deciding vote tied, so the process is likely to continue.

EVIDENCE: House Democrats have obtained moving photos of the attack on Congress on January 6. They will be used against Donald Trump in the Supreme Court. Journalist: Mars Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV. Video: safety only
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Wednesday: Once the constitutional issue has been voted, the structure will give the parties 16 hours each to present their arguments, and a debate and subpoena of witnesses will be organized, if the parties so wish.

The Democrats will begin their presentations at 12:00 PM local time on Wednesday, 6:00 PM Norwegian time. When they are done, it is the defense’s turn to present their counter-perceptions.

They are presented fully before 16 hours or no later than Sunday, as it is opened for a break in the process at the request of Trump’s Jewish defender David Schoen, with reference to Saturday, writes CNN.

“The process will give the senators as jurors enough time to review the case and the arguments presented by both parties,” Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday.

Read Trump’s lawyers defense plan here:

Reject Trump's Proposal: - Totally Unfounded

Reject Trump’s Proposal: – Totally Unfounded

Sunday: Once the parties have presented their arguments, there is an interrogation and debate in the Senate, which may be followed by another vote.

This vote will apply to the right to call witnesses.

There do not appear to be many witnesses who can be subpoenaed, as many of the senators themselves were eyewitnesses and had to seek refuge when the congress building was robbed.

– There are unusual circumstances. On the first day of the Supreme Court case, there will be more than 100 witnesses present, Democrat Adam Schiff, who was the prosecutor during the previous Supreme Court case against Trump, previously said.

Once the question of the witnesses is resolved, and the possible testimonies have been given or not, the parties have four hours to present their final arguments, before the case is resolved through a final debate and vote.

Like so many other high-profile Americans before him, former US President Donald Trump moved to Florida to spend his retirement in the Sunshine State. Reporters: Jesper Nordahl Finsveen and Vegard Kvaale.
see more

It can end next week

While the indictment in the previous Supreme Court case against Trump was an abuse of power and an attempt to prevent Congress from investigating allegations that he tried to pressure Ukraine to blacken challenger Joe Biden, the new indictment is more easy to handle.

Trump is now accused of encouraging “violent, deadly, destructive and subversive acts” in connection with the assault on the Congress building on January 6.

As soon as next week, the case can be solved, write CNN and the Washington Post.

- The KGB tried Trump for 40 years.

– The KGB tried Trump for 40 years.

But for Trump to be convicted, a two-thirds majority is needed in the Senate. That assumes that at least 17 of the Republican senators join the Democrats, which is unlikely to happen.

However, the Supreme Court case is historic, regardless of the outcome. Trump is the first president of the United States to be sued twice. The last time, when he was accused of trying to impede the investigation of the alleged influence of the President of Ukraine, to smear Biden, as mentioned above, he was acquitted.

Through the Supreme Court case in the coming days, the prosecution is expected to present more video evidence, primarily from Trump’s speech and the actual assault on Congress.

Trump advocates say they will deal with this by showing videos of Democrats also using strong words in speeches to their supporters.
