This warns about the rematch of FrP – VG


COMBINATION OF LAWS: Sylvi Listhaug will give the government a fight over a series of proposals for the state budget for 2021. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB

The government depends on the support of FrP to overcome the proposed changes in the state budget for 2021. Sylvi Listhaug (Frp) difficult negotiations in several important areas for the party.

Progress Party fiscal policy spokesperson Sylvi Listhaug says an “additional bill for the sick” in this year’s proposal for the state budget is “frankly antisocial.”

– This is a good reminder why we left the government, Listhaug said from the Storting rostrum.

There, Finance Minister Jan Tore Sanner presented the government’s proposal for the state budget for 2021.

– These will be difficult negotiations. There are many things we can agree on here, but hey, there is also a lot to discuss, Listhaug said at the Storting.

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Listhaug will fight these proposals:

  • Increasing the deductible for the sick: the government will merge the two maximum limits for deductibles in the exemption card scheme for health services. It is proposed to increase the new ceiling to NOK 3,183. Listhaug thinks this is “very antisocial.”
  • Tax Increase: The government increases taxes on alcohol and taxes on snus and smoke. At the same time, taxes on fuel and electric car ownership are increasing.
  • Refugee quota: The government has decided to continue with the decision to recover 3,000 refugee quotas. Listhaug believes that the government should prioritize Norwegian interests only in times of crisis.
  • Aid: The government allocates 1 percent of gross national income to international aid.

In the budget proposal, the government also plans to spend more than NOK 313 billion on oil.

– However, we see that the government chooses to send an extra bill to sick people who are very antisocial, this affects those who have less, Listhaug tells VG.

– Norwegian interests first

Siv Jensen was also present during today’s presentation. She thinks it strange that the government in the state budget proposes “antisocial cuts” when they have so much money available at a time when many are having a hard time.

– We must put the interests of our own citizens first. It is about strengthening efforts for the sick, elderly and retired, he says in an interview with VGTV.

Jensen warns of a tough fight over the issue of refugee quotas. The state budget proposes to receive 3,000 refugees.

– We believe that the number should be reduced as low as possible. It is not sustainable to host many refugees, says Jensen. She believes that the negotiations will be difficult.

– Do you have a specific number of how many?

– I don’t think we should negotiate the state budget in VG, says Jensen.

Solberg: – Create jobs

Erna Solberg rejects criticism from the opposition and believes that the budget creates more jobs and includes more in working life.

– The opposition uses bigger and bigger words, but if you ask Norwegian companies, they know that the tax is a burden for those who fight hard. So the cuts are helping build more competitive companies in the long run, says Solberg.

Finance Minister Sanner believes that FrP can reach an agreement with the government.

– I hope to have good conversations with the Progress Party. We have worked together on budgets for seven years in a row and have found good solutions together, Finance Minister Sanner responded to Listhaug’s speech at the Storting.

FrP has previously announced that they will give the government a fight over refugee policy and development aid. Finance Minister Sanner says the government will continue many of FrP’s victories from the Granavolden platform.

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