This is your first Christmas together as a family


It’s been a content-rich year for host Katarina Flatland. In the midst of the worst period of the crown, she became the owner of a house and the mother of a child.

Now she and her husband Harald Dobloug are ready for their first Christmas with four-month-old Bernard.

– Christmas should be spent with in-laws, says Flatland.

In recent years, the couple have celebrated every other Christmas with their parents and there is a happy Dobloug who can say that Bernard’s first will be celebrated with his mother and father.

– It will be very nice.

– The only thing is that they eat cod, not ribs. It’s very good, but only on Christmas Eve, then I’d like to eat ribs, says Flatland.

When asked if Dobloug likes family tradition better, the answer comes quickly.

– At least when I sit here in Good morning Norway and I have to answer for myself, I love it, he says.

Christmas idyll

Although Christmas Eve itself will not be spent in the new house, the couple have still decorated for Christmas.

– We have opened the Christmas tree, although the decoration of it did not go as planned, says Flatland with a laugh.

The Christmas tree is in place, although it was not entirely without its challenges.

The Christmas tree is in place, although it was not without its challenges. Photo: Katarina Flatland

They had envisioned an idyllic evening where they decorated together for Christmas, but it ended with a dripping Christmas tree and a Christmas tree that had brought many small insects into the living room.

“There was water all over the parquet floor and a little hell, so we talked about it being a fake Christmas tree next year,” Flatland says.

– At least he’ll be on the Christmas council, he’s from Dobloug.

Concerned parents of young children

Life as a new parent can often present challenges, but so far it seems to go quite well with the small family.

– It was very nice. We have a lot of time at home, Harald has had a home office and has been with us a lot, says Flatland.

This does not mean that worries do not go away.

In a family where one is a doctor and the other will soon finish medical school, you might think that there is no silence for Dr. Google, but there is not.

The first time Dobloug went out for a beer with friends, he was called by a concerned wife who was convinced that Bernard’s stomach had turned upside down.

– He cried a little, so I was absolutely sure that he had intestinal invasion.

Therefore, the husband had to take a taxi and go home.

– What was a bit surprising was that when Harald walked through the door, Bernard was as soft as a sun, says Flatland.

Too many gifts

Many parents will probably recognize that they can take a break when it comes to shopping for gifts.

– You will get a Playstaton 5, answers Dobloug with a twinkle in his eyes.

– The father wants a Playstation 5, but I don’t think he has time for that, Flatland counterattacks.

Little Bernard is ready for his first Christmas.

Little Bernard is ready for his first Christmas. Photo: @katarinaflatland

Still, they admit that they may have gone a bit overboard with the gifts.

– You get some toys, but we may have bought a few considering you don’t understand anything.
