This is the situation in the mountain passes of southern Norway – NRK Vestland


News Tips 03030


  • Column in Rv7 Hardangervidda
  • Fv 50 Hol – Aurland is closed for the moment
  • E6 Dovrefjell, manual routing, car rescue

– We have sent a warning about snowdrifts and wind in the mountains, says state meteorologist Marit Berger to NRK.

She asks people heading to the Christmas holidays to be careful if they have thought about the mountains tonight.

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration informs NRK that they are aware of the situation and are closely monitoring how the weather develops at the mountain crossings beyond Christmas Eve.

In Yr. you cannot closely follow the development of the weather conditions.

Winter conditions in the Røldal tunnel E134.

SNOW ON THE MOUNTAIN: Here from Haukelifjell.

Photo: Norwegian Public Road Administration

This is the position in the mountain passes:

E6 Dovrefjell

Alternate mustache on tracks, snow and ice, slippery part hazard.

E16 Filefjell

Covered with snow and ice, light breeze and snow showers.

E134 Haukelifjell

Snow and ice cover, light wind.

RV 7 Hardangervidda

Driving columns. Snow and ice cover, reduced visibility due to snow storm. Cool breeze, snow showers.

RV 9 Hovden – Haukeli

The layer of snow.

RV 13 Vikafjellet

Open for free entry at 08:00.

RV 15 Strynefjellet

Alternate bare, wet and thin ice, snow and ice cover and reduced visibility due to snowstorms. Danger for moose. Cool breeze and snow showers.

Rv 52 Hemsedalsfjellet

Snow and ice covered, light breeze.

Fv 50 Hol – Aurland

Closed due to bad weather. Snow and ice cover, blizzard. Light breeze, cloudiness and light snow.

Fv 53 Tyin – Årdal

Covered with snow and ice. Light breeze, snow showers

By the way, the Meteorological Institute has made the following weather forecast for Santa Claus!
