This is the infection situation in Norway now – VG


Photo: Bjørnar K. Bekkevard

The spread of infection in the population is relatively low, according to FHI. In ten days, the government will relax the national crown measures.

The infection trend in Norway is now flat, having increased in the first weeks of September, the VG summary shows.

On Wednesday, the government announced that as of October 12 there will no longer be a national bar stop at midnight. In addition, it is open for outdoor events with up to 600 people, and grassroots sports are open to adults 20 and older. However, municipalities can still maintain or reintroduce previous measures if new outbreaks occur.

15 outbreaks last week

According to a recent weekly FHI report, the spread of the infection is at a relatively low level in the general population, despite an increase in recent weeks.

Last week, there were a total of 15 outbreaks in progress that have been followed in various municipalities. Most of those infected are in Oslo, where the trend towards infection has stabilized.

– The outbreaks were related to tourism, private events, restaurants, shops, schools, kindergartens and various health services, writes FHI.

Among other things, more than 50 cases of infection are now linked to the bus with retirees who were back and forth in Norway.

Seven municipalities have a growing trend of infection

These municipalities have an increasing infection trend now, based on the VG overview:

  • Lillestrøm
  • Drammen
  • Stavanger
  • Wool things
  • Øygarden
  • Arendal
  • Mold

During Wednesday’s press conference, Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) said that the easing of coronary restrictions presupposes that local outbreaks are reduced:

– Now it is Oslo, Øygarden and Arendal who must act. Quick and effective measures at the local level are a prerequisite for us to gradually relax measures.

See an overview of the infection trend in your municipality at the end of the case.

The infection is decreasing in three municipalities

The tendency to infection is decreasing in the municipalities of Bergen, Lørenskog and Askøy. The outbreak related to the student community in Bergen appears to be under control, writes FHI.

In the last 24 hours, 58 cases of infection have been registered in Norway, according to figures from the national infectious disease notification system (MSIS). On Wednesday, the number of cases registered was 24, which is currently the lowest number on record since August.

On average, it takes one to two days from when a test response is available until it is registered with MSIS. Therefore, the figures for the last days can be adjusted later at the national level, updating according to the sampling date instead of the recording date. This does not apply at the municipal level. Here, the figures are only recorded after the sampling date.

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Several municipalities have introduced stricter measures

On Monday, two days before the government announced the relaxation of the crown measures, the Oslo City Council introduced a tightening following pressure from Health Minister Bent Høie.

– We have been criticized for being too strict, many times even that the fists seem to work. Last week 333 people were infected, growth has stopped. However, Oslo has been under heavy pressure from the Norwegian Health Directorate and Høie, said city councilor Raymond Johansen.

The City Council thus introduced a ban on bandages in public transport and a ban on indoor events with more than 50 participants without a fixed seat. Several of the neighboring municipalities have done the same.

High: correct to facilitate national measures

Health Minister Bent Høie says restrictions are now being relaxed because they have managed to cope with local outbreaks.

– We can do it because we are a country in which so far we have managed to reduce the infection locally. I think it is correct that we facilitate the measurements later. But we must be prepared for the fact that there may soon be local changes, the Health Minister told VG on Wednesday.

He points, among other things, to Bergen, which he believes is a good example of how it has been possible to reduce the infection locally.

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