This is the Biden government: more are getting historic


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris announced Monday who will play several key roles in their administration. The elections reflect Biden’s desire to build a diverse government made up of people with deep political experience.

– These people are as experienced and crisis tested as they are innovative and imaginative. His accomplishments in diplomacy are unique, but they also reflect the idea that we cannot meet the deep challenges of this new moment with old thinking and unchanged habits, or without diversity of backgrounds and perspectives, Biden is said to have said in a statement. , according to CNN. .

– That’s why I chose them.

This is the new first lady

This is the new first lady

Bring in Obama advisers

It is clear that the next president of the United States wants to surround himself with experienced Obama staff.

Former undersecretary of state Tony Blinken will be nominated as secretary of state, the Washington Post reports.

Blinken served from 2015 to 2017 as undersecretary of state under Bill Burr in the Obama administration and has long worked with Biden. He also worked for the country’s national security adviser from 2013 to 2015.

FIRST WOMAN: Joe Biden with Avril Hines, who has been nominated for chief intelligence officer.  Thus she becomes the first woman with the highest rank in national security.  Photo: Andrew Harnik / AP / NTB

FIRST WOMAN: Joe Biden with Avril Hines, who has been nominated as chief intelligence officer. Thus, she becomes the first woman with the highest rank in national security. Photo: Andrew Harnik / AP / NTB
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Another Obama veteran is Jake Sullivan, who has been nominated for National Security Advisor. Sullivan was also Obama’s security adviser and later Hillary Clinton’s senior adviser.

African-American Linda Thomas-Greenfield will serve as the United States ambassador to the UN, writes the Washington Post. She was deputy foreign minister for Africa under Obama and has also been an ambassador to Liberia.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry is set to become a climate adviser, which the newspaper says is a move to increase attention to climate change during the next administration.

– Kerry will fight climate change full time, writes the newspaper.

FIRST LEADER WITH LATIN AMERICAN BACKGROUND: Alejandro Mayorkas may become the first head of the Department of Homeland Security to have a Latin American background.  Photo: Joe Skipper / Reuters / NTB

FIRST LEADER WITH LATIN AMERICAN BACKGROUND: Alejandro Mayorkas may become the first head of the Department of Homeland Security with a Latin American background. Photo: Joe Skipper / Reuters / NTB
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Various historical roles

In addition to the fact that the Biden administration will be made up of Obama veterans, several of those who will have key roles in the future administration will likely be included in the history books.

According to the Washington Post, former CIA deputy director Avril Haines will be nominated as chief of intelligence. The 51-year-old woman will thus be the woman with the highest ranking in national security in the United States.

HISTORICAL: Janet Yellen, 74, could become America's Prime Minister of Finance.  Photo: Andrew Harnik / AP / NTB

HISTORICAL: Janet Yellen, 74, could become the prime minister of finance of the United States. Photo: Andrew Harnik / AP / NTB
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Alejandro Mayorkas may become the first head of the Department of Homeland Security with a Latin American background.

The newly elected president of the United States will likely also have former central bank governor Janet Yellen as finance minister, according to the Wall Street Journal. If the Senate approves the 74-year-old Yellen, she will become America’s Prime Minister of Finance, and thus she, too, may become historic.
