This is how the rescue operation continues: – Time is not in our favor


On Friday evening and overnight, plans were made on how the rescue operation will continue in the landslide area in Gjerdrum when the sun rises on Saturday.

Ground crews withdrew when darkness came on Friday, when it was deemed too dangerous to continue without daylight.

Two houses that were relatively intact were previously searched, while a dead person was found in the remains of another house on Friday.

On Saturday, the police hope to be able to expand the search area in the red zone in the area of ​​landslides.

– The hope is that we can expand the search area and search even larger parts of the area, including more destroyed houses, police operations manager Roger Pettersen tells TV 2.

It emphasizes that they constantly receive reports from geologists, and that they must constantly be aware of where it is safe to move and where it is not.

Use chainsaw

The fire department operations manager at the scene Friday night described how they worked in the landslide area.

– When it is daytime, we have teams in the area that search with dogs and examine the places where the dogs mark, says Geir Sønderål.

Crews use hand tools like chainsaws to enter parts of houses.

– We also have security teams that follow the movement along the edges of the landslide area, and we approach the team. The risk of this work is great, but we rely on the professional experience of geologists, he says.

He stresses that the plan is to start as early as possible on Saturday.

– That’s why we work with the plans at night, so we can start as soon as the light conditions allow, says Sønderål.

Rescue mission continued

Emergency services still describe the effort at Ask as a rescue operation.

– We still hope to find survivors. That is the focus we have and what we are working to achieve, says Dag André Sylju of operational age on Friday night.

However, it does not hide the fact that the conditions are demanding.

– And time is not in our favor, as it happens, but as long as we hope to find living people, this is where we put all our resources, he says.

On Friday, emergency services attempted to lay a paver that could help rescue teams enter the area.

This, however, turned out to be too heavy, so other methods had to be used.

– If it is possible to use the paver on Saturday, we will use it to access more of the area. This depends on the ground conditions, which will determine if it is appropriate, says Sylju.

The emergency services have made it clear that they will remain in the area with unwavering force for as long as necessary.
