This is how the Liberal Party will reestablish


The tribute was online after Trine Skei Grande’s last speech as party leader, and the merits are many. She has led the Liberal Party for ten years, got the party to cross the barrier two parliamentary elections in a row and brought it to the government.

But right now the Liberal Party is in trouble:

  • On average, the party has not been above the threshold in the last year.
  • And the party has grown from 8,643 members in 2010 to 6,390 in 2019, the party’s own annual reports show.
  • Thus, the Liberal Party is the Storting party with the fewest members.


Skei Grande himself rejects the trend.

– No, we probably haven’t lost many thousands of members. We started my leadership period increasing by 2000 members, then we had membership growth almost ten years in a row, but we have always lost some members when we are in government. It is always demanding that a party feel in government, but I believe that we will be able to mobilize towards elections with a new team in place, says the recently resigned leader.

When Skei Grande was chosen as the new leader in 2010, it was clear to her that she wanted to build an organization. In the early years, it rose steeply, to about 10,000 members. But after 2013, the number of members fell again. With the exception of a jump in 2015, the trend has been downward.

Facts: Limb Development under Trine Skei Grande

2010: 8632

2011: 9529

2012: 9643

2013: 8615

2014: 8515

2015: 8886

2016: 8048

2017: 7303

2018: 6704

2019: 6390

Source: Annual reports of the Liberal Party.

Now he passes the legacy to Guri Melby, who on Saturday was elected the new leader of the Liberal Party.

– How are you going to reestablish the Liberal Party?

– I think the best way to rebuild the Liberal Party is by focusing on the main issues, on the school, the environment and the need for a strong Liberal party in Norway, says Melby.

– Magical moment

It was an excited Melby who was elected without drama at today’s national meeting.

– I am completely moved. It’s a magical moment and I’m sorry I didn’t get a single hug, said Melby clearly marked.

Melby says she has had doubts about whether she should run as a leader due to the use of time and that she is a mother of young children.

– What I have landed on is that it is precisely for my children what I do here, said Melby and added:

– When I said yes, it doesn’t just compromise me. It also forces you. Do you agree with that?

“Kick” to the new direction

In his farewell speech, Skei Grande opposed the internal struggle for power in the party.

– We will accept demanding debates, but we will never be offended in the fight. We will fight each other in a factual discussion, but we will never take down. We must always put the team first and win discussions with arguments, not power struggles and conspiracies, said Skei Grande.

After the speeches, he explained what he was referring to.

– I wanted to say that we have had leaks and stupid incidents, that as a leader I must also assume medium responsibility for that I have not managed to turn the culture around. So it was to give the new management a “kick” and some good advice to keep them working, Skei Grande told TV 2.
