This is how he explains the outbreak of rage


P.S! You can follow the development of the tournament in our live center, as well as chat with the former player of the national chess team Maud Rødsmoen.

Magnus Carlsen-Jan Nepomnjasjtsjij 2.5-1.5

The Norwegian chess player takes the lead before the second and decisive day. That after winning the first game with white pieces, before he played three draws against his Russian opponent.

– I’m not very happy with the game. It only really matters that I take the officer he hits in the first game, and then fight the rest with a cry of anguish, Carlsen sums up to TV 2.

– Victory is victory, so I’m taking it. But I don’t feel like I’ve made it to the polls so far this tournament, he continues.

In the second and third games he was under very strong pressure. In the latter, he also lost his internet connection. He explains that he had played an opening for which he was not sufficiently prepared and was therefore already in deep water when the connection was broken.

Although he wasted no time on the stunt, it took its toll.

– I didn’t understand why at all. So I sat down and got mad about it, plus the fact that the position was only getting worse and worse, says Carlsen.

– I had a network, but the browser just shut down. I didn’t understand what it was. There were no error messages or anything, and the internet was working fine otherwise. So it was very strange. But I might have been a little less upset if I hadn’t disliked the position as well. Often connected, continue.

In the second semi-final, Wesley So struck the first blow against Hikaru Nakamura.

The semi-finals

He played for two days. Magnus Carlsen meets Jan Nepomnyashchiji, while Hikaru Nakamura meets Wesley So.

Four games of rapid chess are played per game. If it is the same after the second day, it is decided with blitzkrieg, possibly Armageddon.

The final is played in the same format on Sundays and Mondays.

This is the first of ten tournaments on the groundbreaking Champions Chess Tour.

P.S! You can watch the tournament on TV 2 Sport 2 and Sumo every day from 17.30.

Sleep start

As in the quarterfinals against Anish Giri, Magnus Carlsen opted to open with white pieces. He explained that the reason was that then he could end up with white pieces on the second day.

Carlsen got off to a dream start in the semifinals. It happened after a big blister from Jan Nepomnyashchij at the beginning of the party. The Russian’s solid position abruptly shifted when he moved the queen to the side instead of a notch forward.

Then his defense fell apart.

– A big loss, concluded TV 2 chess expert Jon Ludvig Hammer.

Carlsen took the first shot with just 26 moves. Then Nepomnyashchi joined the group.

With black pieces in the second game, Carlsen opened in the same style. He got a good position after a Sicilian start, and was also well ahead of “Nepo” on the clock.

But when the semifinalists reached the playoffs, Carlsen began to lose time. Then he got in trouble with the farmer below.

“It’s just a bad move by Magnus,” Hammer said.

Miraculous rescue

Later in the playoffs, the chess computer gave him only a four percent chance of saving a tie. Carlsen, however, found the necessary move.

– A miraculous rescue, said chess expert Hans Olav Lahlum.

– The first game was another shocking experience for Nepo, while this was another shocking experience for both of them. Magnus is relieved to have saved him, but he’s not happy, he continued.

New Miraculous Rescue

In the third game, Carlsen got into trouble again. First with the Internet connection. The 29-year-old lost his board, was furious, and seemed to understand little of what was wrong.

However, Carlsen wasted no time due to connection problems.

But when he was about to take his next step, a long time passed. Suddenly, he finished six minutes behind Nepo on the clock.

Later at the party, Carlsen had problems on the board again. Once again, Nepo entered the playoffs with several pawns. But like Carlsen did in the second game, he escaped from a very difficult position and saved a draw.

In the fourth game, Carlsen registered to tie and win on the first day.
