This camera may have captured the perpetrators behind the killing of Sian activist – VG


CENTRAL: The apartment block where the late SIAN activist Dan E vivos Lid (48) was found dead is almost surrounded by surveillance cameras. Photo: TOMM W. CHRISTIANSEN / VG

KRISTIANSAND / OSLO (VG) This surveillance camera may have captured one or more perpetrators behind the murder of SIAN activist Dan E claim Lid (48).

The camera in question is mounted on the wall outside the apartment block where the 48-year-old deceased lived, and covers the area outside his apartment.

Two of the apartment windows and a patio door lead directly into this area, and the police, among other things, covered one of these windows with a black cover and made hardware across the patio door.

In addition, the police have cordoned off a large area on the outside of this side of the apartment block.

On the opposite side of the block is the entrance, which is also monitored by a camera. Therefore, the possibility exists that the police may also obtain assistance from this chamber in the search for one or more persons who may be linked to the case.

According to information from VG, the cameras around the block must be of an older type, which means that the quality of the images is poor. Therefore, the police must review the videos second by second, which is very time consuming.

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As the hours and days go by, the job becomes increasingly difficult for homicide investigators. A general rule of thumb is that the first 48 hours are the most critical.

A day and a half after 48-year-old SIAN (Stop the Islamization of Norway) activist Dan E vivos Lid was found dead, police have yet to arrest anyone in the case.

The Agder Police District receives assistance from Kripos with both the management of the tactical investigation and the forensic investigations. Additionally, there are several local investigators working on the case.

– Observations on the ground and circumstances on the ground led to the investigation of a suspicious death, says police lawyer Henrik Bjugan Hegdahl in the Agder police district.

COVERING: This camera looks towards the entrance of the apartment block and captures everyone who enters and leaves. Photo: TOMM W. CHRISTIANSEN / VG

It’s a laborious puzzle that researchers now have to solve, when they have to map clues, movements, technical evidence, and advice:

• Advice from the audience

In initial investigation, public advice is one of the most important to investigators. Not only can it provide important observations from Lid, but it also gives investigators a picture of which people have been in Suldalen and near the scene, as well as their movements at the time of the murder.

– I was at home day and night, but I didn’t hear anything, says a neighbor to VG.

The public often underestimates the importance of the minor observations they make, and therefore the police want everyone who may have information to report it.

The last known observation of the deceased was on Friday, that is, the day before the person was found dead in his Kristiansand apartment.

– The police have obtained several leads and information that we experienced and found interesting. We can’t be more specific at the moment, Hegdahl says.

DEATH: SIAN activist Dan E vivos Lid (48). Photo: NTB

• Physical traces on the site

Hair, skin cells, blood or other types of DNA material can pin a potential killer to the apartment where activist SIAN was found. The same can be said for fingerprints, footprints or any pattern on car tires.

Crime techs in full-coverage protective gear searched the scene for clues over the weekend.

Once the traces have been obtained and packaged, they are sent to Kripos and the National Institute of Public Health for analysis. It may take some time before you get the answers to these tests.

– One of the hypotheses is that this person is the victim of a serious criminal act and has died as a result. We also scale the effort based on that and invest significant resources in the coming days, says the police attorney.

LOCKED: The police have barricaded the entire green grass plain on the left side of the apartment block. It is this side of the block where the deceased’s apartment has windows and an exit on the ground floor. One of these windows is covered with a black covering, but it is not clear if the window is broken. Photo: TOMM W. CHRISTIANSEN / VG

• The autopsy

Once the deceased was found, the body was secured so that no trace was lost. Both pathologists and forensic technicians from Kripos participate in the autopsy, where both the clothing and the body are registered in search of any traces that the aggressor has left.

The autopsy also attempts to give an hour of murder.

At the same time, the autopsy often answers one of the most important questions researchers have:

How was Lid killed?

Both the murder weapon, the method and the degree of brutality can say something about the motive and the possible perpetrator, as well as whether the person in question may have had accomplices.

• Apartment of the deceased

The crime techs spent the weekend combing Lid’s apartment in Suldalen. Also there she looks for fingerprints or DNA that may show that others have been present in the apartment.

• Electronic tracks

As mobile phones and computers have become an increasingly important part of daily life, electronic traces have also become invaluable evidence for police in serious crime investigation.

It is unclear whether the police have secured Lid’s mobile phone, but if that is the case, investigators will “mirror” the content onto a computer so it can be analyzed. This will provide important information on who you have been in contact with prior to the murder.

At the same time, the police have probably requested so-called traffic data from nearby base stations, through which all mobile phone traffic passes. By cross-duplicating information from different base stations, they can determine who has been to a geographic area and confirm or exclude any alibi.

– We are in a very initial phase of the investigation, we will analyze the data obtained and we will promote the investigation, says the lawyer for the police.

SEALED: Police have also locked the apartment of the 48-year-old deceased. Photo: TOMM W. CHRISTIANSEN / VG

Bank cards and bank statements also provide valuable information about the victim’s movements.

Investigators are also retrieving data from automated toll stations in search of one or more perpetrators. This is usually a time-consuming job.

• Social circle survey

Only a fraction of the murders in Norway have been committed by perpetrators who do not know the victim before. Therefore, the mapping of Lid’s circle of friends is very important to the police.

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