Think Norway stands out


Of the Nordic countries, Sweden has been the most affected by the pandemic, both in the first and second waves.

During yesterday’s press conference, it was announced that 6,978 corona deaths have now been recorded in Sweden. By comparison, 334 deaths have been recorded in Norway.

Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell believes that the country still does not stand out in a European context, Expressen writes. He believes, on the other hand, that Norway stands out.

“Above all, Norway and Finland are different in the European context,” he says, according to the newspaper.

Frictions in Sweden

Frictions in Sweden

– Social structure

At yesterday’s press conference, Swedish TV4 asked him why Sweden is more affected by the pandemic than other countries in the Nordic region.

Tegnell then cited population density as a possible explanation.

– If it depends on the social structure you have in the countries, if it is because you are much less densely populated … It certainly depends on how extensive the spread of the infection was in the spring, because it seems to be reflected very strongly also during the second wave Tegnell replied.

Sweden has a population density of 23 inhabitants per square kilometer. Norway has 14 and Finland 16, according to Expressen.

– Sweden follows the same pattern as many other heavily affected European countries, such as Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, etc. Denmark is kind of in the middle, but first and foremost Norway and Finland are different in the European context, Tegnell said.

Expressen has also compiled figures on the population density in these countries: Belgium has 369 inhabitants per square kilometer. The Netherlands has 419 and the UK has 267.

Tegnell has also previously compared Sweden to countries such as the UK and Belgium.

SPOKEN: The Swedish prime minister made a serious speech to the Swedish people and asked them to take responsibility during the pandemic. Video: NTB
see more

– Increase

During yesterday’s press conference, Tegnell said 117 new corona deaths had been recorded in Sweden since Friday.

According to the state epidemiologist, there has also been an increase in the number of infected people in the last two weeks.

– There is an extensive spread of the infection that has not really decreased, he said, adding that there is an increase in infection in all age groups in the country.

A total of 260,758 people in Sweden have been confirmed to be infected with the virus since the pandemic began.

– We must continue working together, it is very important to keep the basket down. It requires that we continue to help each other. We do this best if we continue to follow the local councils and general councils that exist, Tegnell said.

It admits errors: - Difficult

It admits errors: – Difficult

More strict

After keeping the community open all spring, Sweden has introduced stricter measures, including groups of up to eight people and a liquor stop at 10pm.

It was the government and Prime Minister Stefan Löfven who introduced the measures, prompting speculation about a crisis of confidence. The measures were introduced without the involvement of the Public Health Authority, writes Expressen.
