They think the job is done, then they get a nasty surprise


There have been frosty nights across much of the country and snow is now reported in many places as well. This means that it is time to change tires for many. Summer tires should be off, winter tires on.

Regardless of whether you do the work yourself or save it – one thing to remember to do after the tire change: you must retighten the wheel nuts. Otherwise it can go wrong.

This is confirmed by the insurance company If, which receives between four and five cars with serious bodily harm each year, because the wheels have become loose in traffic.

Remember to retighten the wheel nuts after the 10-12 kilometers driven after you have changed the wheels, if it signals.

Sigmund Clementz is Information Manager at If

Sigmund Clementz is Information Manager at If

Good sound

– It is fortunate that people are not seriously injured. If a car suddenly loses a wheel at 80-90 kilometers per hour, it’s easy to imagine the consequences, says information manager Sigmund Clementz at If.

– The number of drivers who experience car wheel nuts loosening is higher than that reported to insurance companies. Fortunately, most people discover that something is seriously wrong with the car before an accident occurs. The most common way to detect loose wheel nuts is to hear a strange sound while driving. In some cases, you may also feel that the car is a bit unstable and that there is “something” when you turn the steering wheel, says the information manager.

See what has happened to tires in recent decades.

In some cases, vibrations can cause the wheel nuts or bolts to loosen after changing the wheels.  Therefore, it is important to re-tighten after 10-12 kilometers.  Photo: If.

In some cases, vibrations can cause the wheel nuts or bolts to loosen after changing the wheels. Therefore, it is important to re-tighten after 10-12 kilometers. Photo: If.

Buy and have lying in the car

Usually, it’s when people switch from summer tires to winter tires, or the other way around, that accidents happen. The reason is that the small vibrations make the nuts move, if they are not screwed in well enough. Then it just bursts.

– Therefore, it is important that you retighten with a wheel nut wrench. Nowadays there are actually cars that come without a wheel nut wrench or a wheel cross, but it is so important to have it that you have to buy it and have the wheel cross in the car. A single wheel costs five and up, Clementz says in a press release.

Now come the cheeky tire thieves

Tips on winter tires:

  • From November 1 to the first Monday after the second day of Easter, the depth of the tread of the tires must be at least 3 millimeters, according to the requirements of the authorities. If it recommends that you change your tires before you have reached this tread wear. The tread depth is measured in the main grooves in the center three-quarters of the tread width and around the circumference of the tire, except where the wear detectors are located.
  • The use of chains or studded tires is not allowed from the first Monday after Easter 2 until October 31 inclusive. In Nordland, Troms and Finnmark, the corresponding period is from May 1 to October 15. There are no deadlines for using studless winter tires.
  • Regardless of the depth of the tread and the wear of the tires: check the condition of the rubber, as the properties of the tires deteriorate over time, the tires become stiffer, harder and softer. It is recommended to change winter tires after four or five seasons on the car.
  • Remember to check that the tire pressure is correct and be sure to check and retighten the lug nuts after driving 10-12 kilometers.

Source: If insurance company

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