– They have apologized to us – VG


33 out of 40 people have tested positive for coronavirus after a bus trip with retirees through southern Norway. The Sandnes municipal chief says all infection control rules were followed.

A woman in her 70s developed acute discomfort during the bus trip and was admitted to a hospital in Førde. News came on Monday that he had tested positive for the coronavirus.

Now, 33 out of 40 retirees are infected with the coronavirus after the bus trip through southern Norway. Among the fellow travelers are a bus driver and two tour guides, who are not infected.

VG is aware of the company that organized the trip, but did not want to comment on the case, and also refers to the municipal superior in Sandnes. Confirm that it is the company in question that is behind the trip.

– I can also confirm that they have complied with the infection control rules, says Hans Petter Torvik to VG.

– The bus ride has been more than six days and they have been sitting together on the bus for a long time, so it is not strange that there has been an infection.

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– Travel is not prohibited

According to the company’s Facebook page, the trip began on Tuesday, September 15, and the group must have visited six lodging establishments. The journey passed through eastern Norway, Dovre, and western Norway.

Ingrid Strand Bøe (76) was on the six-day bus trip through southern Norway and has been confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus. She says her form is good and that she is now isolated in Kvernevik, on the outskirts of Stavanger.

Strand Bøe believes that the outbreak is tragic for the organizer.

– We have been apologized. It was a wonderful trip and there was nothing they could have done better. Never before have I spread my hands so wide and we kept a good distance throughout the trip.

Those infected are distributed as follows:

  • 15 in Stavanger
  • 6 and Sola
  • 5 in Sandnes
  • 4 in Randaberg
  • 1 in Hå

As the bus headed to the ferry from Arsvågen to Mortavika on Monday, they were informed that the woman at the hospital was infected with corona. Therefore, no one was allowed to get off the bus and they headed straight for the crown tent at Stavanger Forum.

– We were immediately tested there and received the test results the next day. It was all done very well, says Strand Bøe.

– It is not forbidden to travel on a trip to Norway, so it is completely wrong to criticize it. So there should have been a message from the higher authorities not to travel on such trips. The organizer has done everything necessary.

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Took the boat home

It is not yet known with certainty how the infection got on board the bus.

Torvik says that the municipal chief doctors of the relevant places the party has visited have been contacted.

– Hotels and restaurants have also been notified and it is being washed. People on the bus have had little contact with other people on the trip. We are also in close dialogue with the outbreak group at FHI.

Several of the passengers on the bus trip took the speedboat home after being tested, confirms infection control chief doctor Ruth Midtgarden in Stavanger to Stavanger Aftenblad.

– The passengers in question did everything right. They knew they were going to be quarantined, had bandages, and were kept together as a group, a good distance from other passengers and crew, she says.

There is no need to quarantine the other passengers on the speedboat, he adds.

– It bothered me when I heard that it was said that all those who had been examined were taken to their own home without the use of a taxi and public transport. That’s not true, says a woman who has contacted Stavanger Aftenblad.

The boat trip takes about 40 minutes.

– They have lined up together and have remained on the same railings of the ship. She believes that there is no danger of this spreading outside of the group that was on tour.

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