These are the new measures – NRK Vestland


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Due to the infection situation, the municipality of Bergen introduced a series of measures, with effect from overnight until Thursday.

After the government yesterday presented its recommendations, or so-called “should” measures, Bergen proposed a series of “should” measures:

  • Prohibition of private meetings with more than ten people. Cohorts associated with kindergartens and elementary schools have exceptions.
  • Ban with more than 50 participants in public events, where there are no seats for everyone.
  • Mandatory for masks in public transport, where you cannot keep at least one meter away.
  • Mandatory for indoor bandages in public places such as shops, malls, restaurants and restaurants, where it cannot be kept at least one meter away.
  • Guest list identification and maintenance requirements at all restaurants, including non-alcoholic venues.
  • For nightclubs that serve alcohol, people are not allowed in after midnight.
  • It is forbidden to sell liquor after midnight.
  • Nightclubs should not have a noise level higher than that where guests can carry on a conversation at a distance of one meter.

– Now we have to press again, and I think we are facing a demanding winter, said Councilor Roger Valhammer (Labor) during the press conference.

The regulation lasts for four weeks from night until Thursday, October 29.

Long queue outside the test station at the old Biltilsynet in Spelhaugen in Fyllingsdalen in Bergen

COLA: Many cars had turned up at the test station at Spelhaugen in Bergen on Tuesday, after there were no more free hours in the ER.

Photo: Helena Viktoria Johnsen / NRK

Recommend home office

The City Council further recommends that everyone who can have a home office should have a home office.

At the same time, they encourage everyone to reduce the number of contact persons in social contexts during the week.

– We wholeheartedly support the national recommendation. We must reduce the number of people we meet in a day and a week away from our home and family, Valhammer said.

At the same time, Valhammer encouraged the people of Bergen to keep in touch and take care of each other in the future.

– We are entering an era in which darkness is installed. We know that the fall depression is a real challenge for many. The corona pandemic will potentially amplify this, Valhammer said.


MOUTH: Councilor Roger Valhammer (Labor Party) called on people to take care of each other in the future. On Tuesday, the Bergen City Council presented a series of new comprehensive measures.

Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB

– Don’t call strangers during Halloween

Health Councilor Beate Husa (KrF) further said that no one should call strangers to do tricks or tricks during Halloween in Bergen.

– The celebration must also be carried out according to the rule that only ten people are allowed in private events, Husa said.

An exception is made here for kindergarten and school children, who may be with your cohort.

Highest infection rate in Bergen

On Tuesday, the municipality reported 77 infected, the most in a day since the pandemic began. Most of those infected are young adults.

Yesterday, the municipality reported nine new cases of contagion. Due to the large variation in numbers, the municipality believes that the total of 86 cases should be distributed in the last two days.

On Tuesday, chaos broke out at the test station at Spelhaugen in Bergen.

The police had to help

The emergency room had no more free hours for testing. The municipality encouraged people to test themselves in Spelhaugen.

Police had to move to help direct traffic.

– A queue was reported to Oasen, says Operations Manager Stine Mjelde in the West Police District.

It is approximately one kilometer from the test center at the former premises of the Norwegian Motor Vehicle Inspectorate in Spelhaugen.

Police had a car at the scene, according to Mjelde.

– We must make sure to resolve the traffic if there has been a mess, but we hope the police can finish soon, he says.


PROGRESS: People with symptoms become a priority in the queue for the Spelhaugen walk-in test station. Those in quarantine are encouraged to wait to get tested.

Photo: Helena Victoria Johnsen / NRK

Announces new measures

Agency director Brita Øygard, in the Bergen municipality, believes that closing the test station after employees were poisoned with carbon monoxide leads to the large increase.

– We have had a downtime due to air quality. There was so much to do. We now have a backlog of people who want to prove themselves. At the same time, we have a high infection pressure, says Øygard.

The Bergen municipality asked the police for help in dealing with yesterday’s incident. They will prevent cars from queuing on the county road, while the Red Cross drives the queue to the test station.

The municipality of Bergen has announced a press conference at 3:00 p.m. today, where they will discuss new measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
