These are the new measures in Oslo – VG


The capital has been adjusting strongly since Monday.

– The infection is at too high a level. This week, the numbers continue to rise. In recent days, 545 new infections have been recorded in Oslo. We cannot hesitate in the face of such a dramatic development. We must reduce the infection before it has far-reaching consequences for the elderly, the vulnerable and our healthcare system, says Oslo City Councilor Raymond Johansen, adding:

– We are now introducing a social closure of Oslo.

Full liquor stop and ban events

These are the measures that are being introduced:

  • Full bar stop in the capital
  • All indoor events are prohibited, including private ones.
  • Introduces Red Tier into VGS Adult Education and Schools Prepare for Red Tier
  • Stores, shopping malls and the like must ensure that it can be kept within 2 meters
  • Mandatory with bandage for both the driver and the passengers of the taxi.
  • All gyms, cinemas, theaters, swimming pools, playgrounds will be closed.

The measures take effect at midnight on Monday.

– We will consider closing places where cultural and leisure activities take place indoors, says Johansen.

– Culture and leisure activities are an important part of our business and people’s lives, but the consequences will be greater if we wait.

Organized leisure activities, swimming training, children’s leisure activities may continue.

The City Council has decided that upper secondary schools will move to the red level. This will be implemented from Monday.

– How this is solved in practice will vary somewhat from school to school. One must be prepared for a combination of homeschooling and practical school. All schools have experience with the red level. But it’s going to be difficult anyway. Reports from this spring show that it led to less learning and that students who have a demanding home situation from before struggle more, says school councilor Inga Marte Thorkildsen (SV).

Elementary schools and kindergartens will operate on the yellow level. The youth stage must prepare and plan for the red level.

– We will consider whether this will be necessary in the next two weeks, says Thorkildsen.

On October 29 these measures were introduced in Oslo:

  • Mandatory for indoor masks in public places (shops, shopping centers) where you cannot keep at least one meter away.
  • Mandatory for bandages inside restaurants for employees and guests in all situations where you do not sit at a table.
  • The participant restriction for all indoor events without a fixed seat is reduced from 50 to 20 people.
  • Stop admission to nightclubs after 22.00.
  • Order for a home office to the extent possible and a requirement that all employers must document that employees have been advised that they must have a home office, to the extent possible.
  • The number of contacts during a week should not exceed 10 people in social settings, in addition to household members and kindergarten and primary school cohorts.

Increasing trend of infection

In the last 24 hours, 129 cases of infection have been registered in Oslo, according to figures from the municipality. In the last two weeks, 1,456 cases of infection have been registered. Oslo has an increasing tendency to infections, shows the general description of VG.

Of the tests being taken now, 5.2 percent are positive, says health advisor Robert Steen.

– Now we are in the second wave, he says.

The municipality figures may differ somewhat from the VG figures. We report directly from MSIS, which is based on where people are registered, not where they live.

NIPH: I hope the measures are sufficient to reverse development

On Thursday, the government introduced new national crown measures. The tightening in Oslo is on the government’s list of measures they believe highly infected regions should consider introducing.

National health authorities have recommended that they implement as many measures as possible to have full effect.

– We hope that this package of measures is enough to reverse development, but it cannot be ruled out that there will be changes, says the director of the department of the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) Line Vold.

She refers to the development of the infection abroad, where several countries this fall are experiencing a steeply rising infection curve and are struggling with the capacity of the health care system.

– In Norway we see an incipient trend that is similar to what is happening in other countries. The reason we’re adjusting even more is precisely because we want to reverse early development, Vold says.

It is not the totals that you are most concerned about.

– They are not comparable to the spring, when only 10 percent of those infected were discovered, against perhaps 40 percent today, says Line Vold.

It is the general situation that gives reasons to toughen up, according to FHI:

  • Infection rates are increasing dramatically
  • The proportion of positive test results is increasing
  • The dark numbers appear to be increasing, although the estimates are uncertain.
  • The reproduction number R should preferably be below 1, probably around 1.3

– The important thing is to reduce the number of meeting points between people to prevent infections. The virus is transmitted when we are close to each other, especially if we are within a meter. We are completely dependent on each of us following the infection control rules, says Vold.

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