Therefore, this is the epicenter


Oslo City Councilor Raymond Johansen allows himself to be cautiously optimistic as a result of the sharp increase in infection cases that appear to have subsided. At the same time, he is very concerned about the most vulnerable districts.

– I am very concerned about the situation in some of our districts. The epicenter of infection in Oslo has ended in our eastern districts, especially in Groruddalen. Many in Groruddalen live closer together and work in service occupations with a higher risk of infection, says Johansen.

The Grorud district has registered 750 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days. In the Oslo municipality overview of infection in the city, the district is dark red, similar to the surrounding districts Alna, Bjerke and Stovner.

GRAY: Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has been on tour in Jutland in recent days. On Thursday he visited a mink farm. Then he took the opportunity to apologize, writes the Danish newspaper BT. Video: BT
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School break

Councilor Johansen tells Dagbladet that much of the reason for the demanding infection situation in the Grorud district is the large outbreak at Apalløkka school, where more than 50 infected people have been registered. Health advisor Robert Steen agrees.

– The Grorud district has had an outbreak that raised the statistics. Apalløkka ungdomsskole has more than 50 infected. The whole district of Grorud has 105 infected in a week. So the outbreak accounts for 50 percent of the weekly infection in the district. It’s an example of how individual shoots can have pretty big effects on stats, and that’s probably what we see in Grorud during the day, Steen tells Dagbladet.

School councilor Inga Marte Thorkildsen tells Dagbladet that she considers the outbreak at Apalløkka school to be very serious.

– For a long time we have seen that there have been many cases of quarantine and infections, there have also been stoppages. This has a socially biased effect on Oslo. There are some areas that are hit the hardest, and they are also often the places where people live the most crowded, have fewer resources, have more challenging living conditions, and work in occupations that assume you’re close to infection, Thorkildsen tells Dagbladet .

WORRIED: Raymond Johansen believes that many companies will disappear.
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Works on purpose

Councilor Johansen affirms that an enormous communication work is being carried out to serve the entire population of the city with adapted information.

Grorud District Chief Physician Karoline Harding tells Dagbladet that the infection team works with interpretation services and provides replacement housing when appropriate, and that it has been important that infection rates are not higher than expected. What are they.

– It is concerning that Grorud is so high and that the district infection team works very hard to reduce the infection locally, Harding tells Dagbladet.

He also states that Apalløkka school will be closed until December 4.

– We now have control over the school outbreak. When the infection pressure is so high, it is difficult to say what is causing the outbreak, but I have no reason to believe that the school has not followed the infection control rules. Collaboration around infection detection has been exemplary by the school.
