– There was a nachspiel after the student party.


So far, eight have been infected with corona after an event in Blindern Studenterhjem. Both the organizers and the district superintendent say the party was carried out successfully, but after the event, several of the students must have celebrated nachspiel.

Blindern Studenterhjem is originally a boarding school that was built between 1923 and 1925. Residents of the student home have now been told to stay indoors until infection tracking work is completed. Morten Holm / Scanpix / NTB

– Unfortunately, several nachspiel were carried out. Various groups met and continued for several hours. It’s an obvious risk factor for the spread of infection, says district chief physician Tom Sundar in Nordre Aker.

On Thursday, it was learned that a corona infection had broken out at Blindern Studenterhjem in Oslo after two events with a total of 99 participants last Saturday. Several of the participants must have been infected without knowing it.

The outbreak is said to have started after a visit from a student living elsewhere, according to NRK.

The district superintendent says the event was held in a responsible manner. He says he understood that there were several nachspiel in the bedroom afterward.

– We are aware that it has been a nachspiel and we are finishing it, says the president of the board of the Blindern student house, Nanette Fuglesang.

Fuglesang says they don’t have an overview of all the activity in the student rooms, but that the administration in the students’ home is now in dialogue with the students. Students are allowed to have classroom visits, he says.

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The district superintendent says he has not seen any indication that crown measures were not met at the party. He thinks that one has simply been unlucky. Private

Considered the safe event to celebrate

The district superintendent, organizers, and dormitory administration had several meetings per. telephone and video before the event, confirms both the management and the superior.

Sundar says the party with around 71 participants was held in accordance with current rules, including the fact that events with more than 50 participants are not allowed.

Explain what:

  • There were regular seats at the party.
  • There were five infection control guards present to ensure distance and infection control rules were followed
  • All waiters wore infection control equipment such as masks and gloves.

-These factors made me consider that the event should be able to take place in a safe setting, says the doctor.

– Did you consider it likely that the measures proposed by the organizers would be fulfilled?

– Yes, I do. We had a long meeting on Friday with both the organizer and the dorm management. I trust that the agreements will be maintained.

Students who now live in the dormitory receive meals in the room and do not have access to a reading room or dining room while the infection is tracked. Jørgen Svarstad / NTB

Between 50 and 100 in quarantine

So far, eight people have been confirmed infected with the coronavirus in the student dormitory, and detection of the infection is still ongoing.

– I estimate that so far we have quarantined between 50 and 100. But we’ve also issued a precautionary advice that everyone who participated in nachspiel or similar minor festivities should remain in “waiting quarantine” until infection tracking work is complete, he says.

– He tells NRK that he would not have approved the event if he had known there had been an infection in the bedroom. Isn’t that precisely why you have those rules, because you can never know for sure if someone is infected?

– The rules are not so strict that you cannot have festivities at all. Ultimately, it is the organizer who must decide whether it is justified to implement it, he says.

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Nanette Fuglesang is chair of the board of Blindern Studenterhjem. She says it is gratifying that almost none of those infected have symptoms so far. Everyone feels good in health, he says. Private

Two events in parallel

Nanette Fuglesang explains that there were two events that took place in parallel that night, a dinner with approx. 71 guests and a card game event with approx. 28 people.

She says all the trade agency rules have been followed in addition to the infection control rules. All party participants must have seated in designated places and within one meter. The event should have lasted approx. four hours, from half past seven to approx. half past eleven.

– It is not the case that 200 are in quarantine. Only those defined as close contacts are quarantined. But for the sake of safety, we’ve asked the other students in the house to stay inside while infection is being tracked, he says.

Fuglesang says the student home works closely with the municipality’s infection detection team.

Aftenposten has contacted the head of infection control, Frode Hagen, in the municipality of Oslo, for comment on the case. The director of infection control signals the district in an SMS and writes that he does not know the details of the event.
