There may be a bus strike in Oslo and Viken – E24


If mediation is unsuccessful, 1,000 bus drivers may go on strike this weekend.

NOTIFICATION STRIKE: If mediation is unsuccessful, all Oslo and Viken bus drivers will go on strike starting Sunday.

Frode Hansen, VG


This is stated by the Norwegian Railways Association in a press release.

In the event of a strike, all Oslo and Viken bus drivers will be eliminated. According to Yrkestrafikkforbundet, drivers will go on strike from the start of working hours on Sunday if the mediation does not lead.

Mediation begins next Friday and is due at midnight on Saturday, September 19.

– There is a possibility of a strike and it will eventually affect the whole country, information adviser Renate Tårnes at Fellesforbundet tells E24.

The bus industry negotiates jointly for all unions and employers’ organizations with NHO and Spekter. The Fellesforbundet, Norsk Jernbaneforbund and HK in Norway are participating in the negotiations.

Jane Brekkhus Sæthre of the Norwegian Railway Association believes that nothing can defend development as it is today. It points out that employees in this sector are lagging behind in salary evolution.

– The bus industry is an important part of the public transportation initiative, from making urban environment agreements to driving school districts. Employee pay and working conditions should reflect responsibility and help more young people choose the profession of driver, it says in a press release.
