There have been several parties at the Oslo hostel


From night to Sunday it could have gone very badly at a party in an Oslo hostel. This is not the first time parties have been held there, participants told Aftenposten.

The fire department blew fresh air into the old shelter Sunday night. Geir Olsen / NTB scanpix

25 people ended up in hospital after a birthday party in the St. Hanshaugen-Iladalen area of ​​Oslo went really wrong.

Aftenposten has been in contact with several of the party’s participants, who are in their 20s and 30s. They don’t want to present themselves with a name or an image.

Several of them say that several parties have been held in the same hostel before. This is a shelter that is no longer in use.

This weekend’s party was basically a birthday with a separate Facebook event. During the night, however, many people were not invited.

Several of those Aftenposten has spoken about believe there were too many people at the party.

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Six seriously injured but all out of harm’s way after carbon monoxide poisoning at an illegal party in Oslo

Access to the old shelter was re-nailed Sunday morning. Jil Yngland, NTB scanpix

They say that the shelter is such that several “arms” or folds protrude from a main room. There was a music system and disco lights on the dance floor. This was powered by two portable power supplies, which made the exhaust. This led to several of the party participants being poisoned with carbon monoxide.

Some of them say that it felt like being at a party in a completely different city than Oslo when they entered the shelter. The party participants Aftenposten spoke to did not see the sale of alcohol, but said that people were bringing drinks to the party.

The police were notified

Both VG and TV 2 have spoken with people who notified the police about the party. One expressed concern in advance regarding infection control rules. Then he saw the number that on Facebook had said they were going to the party.

Another alerted the police at 1:30 p.m. Then he was concerned about the number of people in front of the entrance to the shelter. He also believed that many seemed full.

Police had sealed the entrance to the shelter Sunday morning. Jil Yngland, NTB scanpix

– We realized it was a bit wrong, but we didn’t think much more about it, says a participant of the party we met on Sunday at Aftenposten, along with two friends who were also present.

According to them, the party was about to die down when an apparently unconscious woman was observed on the ground.

– We grabbed her arms and legs, and there were many who had to help her out. You had to go halfway up to get to the exit.

When he got fresh air, he must have been hooked a bit.

– At first we thought that he had only gotten sick for other reasons, but when we saw several who were also unconscious, we realized that it was more serious, they say.

When firefighters arrived on the scene Sunday night, they measured 16 percent oxygen in the shelter’s air. Normal is close to 21 percent.

The fire brigade pumps clean air into the shelter Sunday morning. They measured 16 percent oxygen in the room. The normal is 21 percent. Bjørn Egil Halvorsen

– We should be happy it didn’t get worse

Six people were seriously injured, but by Sunday morning all were out of danger.

– We should be happy that it did not go worse than here, says chief physician Fridtjof Heyerdahl at the CBRNE center of the Oslo University Hospital in Aftenposten. It is part of the specialized health service in Norway, they work with personal injuries related to accidents and incidents with chemical substances. Heyerdahl was one of those who welcomed the party participants who arrived at Ullevål hospital on Sunday morning.

– The most seriously injured were unconscious when they arrived, says Heyerdahl. They can also have symptoms that last over time. Heyerdahl’s lists: confusion, headache, dizziness.

Police, firefighters and medical personnel rushed to the party. Geir Olsen, NTB Scanpix

– Some of the most serious were also pressure tank treated with us. We do this to give them even more oxygen, to try to remove the carbon monoxide and overcome the poisoning, Heyerdahl says.

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Oslo University Hospital: Go to the ER if you have symptoms of poisoning

According to the fire department, portable power supplies were used to play music at the party. Videos from the party show lighting effects. These power supplies created the leak that poisoned several partygoers.

Carbon monoxide poisoning is serious. It does not smell the gas, but it prevents oxygen from reaching the cells. Acting Fire Chief Ronny Andersen likened it to sitting in a car and sending the exhaust straight into the cockpit.

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