The wage-earning party at the Oslo school: – Changes after the wage rage


After several articles in Dagbladet, the education agency in Oslo is now changing the way they allocate salary increases to their directors.

– In the future, we will work even more closely with the shop stewards. Among other things, we will go from sending salary adjustments twice a year, to an ongoing update and dialogue. We also want a closer dialogue on the evolution of salaries at the agency, writes education director Marte Gerhardsen in an email to Dagbladet.

The pay party

Dagbladet was able to report on Wednesday that at least six directors of the Oslo school received large pay increases in August, without the responsible councilor Inga Marte Thorkildsen (SV) being aware of the case.

Dagbladet is also aware that several other members of the management have had several salary notches raised this summer.

This salary party took place at the same time that the teachers at the Oslo school were asked to show restraint in the salary arrangement. Some of the directors received more than 100,000 more in salary overnight and were up 14 percent in salary.

Teachers have been offered a 1.7 percent pay raise in this year’s deal.

Races: - She has abdicated

Races: – She has abdicated

Unfortunate moment

Gerhardsen says he understands that “the timing for this pay increase was regrettable.”

– Especially when principals, teachers and others in the school have worked like never before to provide our students with the best education possible in the midst of a pandemic, Gerhardsen writes.

– It is also important to emphasize that this does not affect school budgets. Services to schools will not be affected, it adds.

Millions of scouts: - Idiot

Millions of scouts: – Idiot

28 directors with a million salary

Gerhardsen reiterates that the agency should not be the salary leader.

Dagbladet has previously reported on the increase in the number of directors at the agency over the past year – from 22 to 28 directors, all with salaries in the millions.

Yesterday, Dagbladet revealed that the agency has also spent millions on expensive headhunters and consultants in connection with a controversial reorganization.

Violent criticism

School councilor Inga Marte Thorkildsen said at Wednesday’s town hall meeting that she is not responsible for salaries at the agency she runs.

It sparked backlash from the opposition, who believe Thorkildsen has abdicated as a politician or does not understand the political leadership.

– What are we going to do with a city councilor for 1.3 million a year if he does not have the backbone to make his own decisions ?, Eivor Evenrud from Rødt told Dagbladet.

28 directors with a million salary

28 directors with a million salary

Inga Mars happy

Thorkildsen tells Dagbladet that she was misinterpreted and that it is is she who is responsible for the millions of salaries of the 28 directors of the agency.

– And precisely because I have the responsibility at a general level, I have spoken with the director of the agency about the way forward. They are now in dialogue with the unions and I have faith in the solutions they envision, says Thorkildsen.

Thorkildsen still will not enter and will reverse the salaried party.

The Education Association has previously been cautious in criticizing the salary match of school leaders. “A little soft” was the way Aina Skjefstad Andersen, leader of the Education Association in Oslo, summed up the case earlier this week.

Soft is defined as “gentle; varsom; pietetsfull »in the dictionary of the Norwegian Academy.

Salary sharing for the best in Oslo school

Salary sharing for the best in Oslo school

Union relieved

Skjefstad Andersen is now happy that the agency is now changing the long-standing practice to increase salaries at the top.

– When we now agree that the practice will be changed, the co-determination committee (MBU) will submit to the principal’s recommendations for decision on an ongoing basis. It also means that we expect each case to be substantiated and that MBU can, in case of disagreement, take the case for final consideration in the City Council’s finance department. This will provide a more transparent system and a real opportunity for MBU to influence the practice associated with administrative salary placements in the education agency, he tells Dagbladet.

– There have been strong reactions from my members regarding the Dagbladet case, especially in light of the extraordinary situation we find ourselves in regarding the pandemic and moderation teachers and others have been asked to show in this collective agreement . Although the administrative salary placements in the education agency are not directly related to the settlement, nor do they affect the result for our members, I am glad that the director understands that this case is a very bad sign, she adds.
