– The virus may well be in Norway now – VG


Geir Bukholm and FHI are concerned that the virus could take hold in Norway and increase the R number. Photo: Krister Sørbø

It is quite possible that the mutation of the infectious and contagious virus that is ravaging England is now in Norway.


– It is possible that the virus is now in Norway. We know he is in Denmark and has accompanied people from the UK to the Netherlands, Iceland, Australia and possibly Italy, says NIPH researcher Geir Bukholm.

It says that a country like Denmark analyzes about 25 percent of all isolates, that is, viruses, while in Norway we analyze five percent.

– This is pure math to calculate the probability that you are in Norway without being discovered.

Bounce virus

The British mutation belongs to subgroup B.1.1.7. Most of the mutations have been seen in other variants, but not as closely in the same virus, Bukholm explains.

British Home Secretary Priti Patel calls the virus a “rebound”.

– Does it mean that it jumps more easily from surface proteins to human cells?

– Partly that, that’s what they suggest, says Bukholm.

FHI is concerned about this virus because this type can increase the reproduction rate by 0.4. Norway is now at 0.8 and therefore this variant will increase the number to 1.2. This is important because a number greater than 1 means that each person infects more than another. Therefore, the infection can increase exponentially.

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Higher viral load

The virus has caused the closure of London and parts of the east and southeast of England. Boris Johnsen and his professionals claim that the virus can be 70 percent more contagious.

– Tests have been done in the laboratory and you see that they multiply much faster than other viruses and you see that the amount of virus in the person who is infected is much higher than the other variants. That’s probably one of the reasons infectivity is increasing, he says.

Sweden fears the spread of the new coronavirus mutation and announced on Monday that the borders with Denmark and the United Kingdom will be closed.

Several countries have introduced entry bans or other travel restrictions from the UK until an overview of the situation is available, including Spain, Portugal, Germany, France, Denmark and Norway.

There are 23 changes in the surface protein of this mutation, in areas where the virus binds to the human body. 17 of these must have occurred at the same time, which according to the American epidemiologist Eric Feigl-Ding, not seen before.


The British are concerned that the mutation could become the dominant virus. It is also FHI.

– Yes, that worries us in general in Europe, of course. When we have a type of virus that multiplies faster, it is easy for us to get a selection (dominant variant, editor’s note)
